Single cell ATAC-seq explorer

This single cell ATAC-Seq analysis pipeline is designed for advanced analysis of dataset, produced by 10X Genomics Cell Ranger ATAC.\ Aggregated datasets are also supported!

In addition to 10X Genomics results it offers:

  • Capable to process aggregated data by 10x Genomics Cell Ranger ATAC
  • Summary on different conditions in case of aggregated dataset
  • Different types of clustering followed by heatmap and t-SNE/UMAP visualizations in low dimensions space
  • Top cluster markers visualization as heatmap on t-SNE/UMAP plot
  • Closest genes annotations for peaks and clusters
  • Annotated markers analysis
  • BigWig and BED files for clusters and markers ready-to-be-visualized in JBR Genome Browser by JetBrains Research
  • Data preparation for Single Cell Explorer by Artyomov Lab, Washington University in St.Louis
  • Save all the figures in PDF format - ready for publication

Required 10X Genomics Cell Ranger ATAC files:

  • fragments.tsv - fragments matrix file provided by Cell Ranger
  • peaks.bed - peaks file (union of peaks) in case of merging
  • clusters.csv - clustering provided by Cell Ranger
  • projection.csv - t-SNE 2d project of all the cells

Pipeline steps:

  • Cell Calling
  • Peak barcode matrix
  • Feature selection
  • Dimensionality reduction
  • t-SNE / UMAP
  • Differential markers analysis
  • Closest genes association
  • Supervised annotation of clusters by gene markers
  • Export data to Single Cell Explorer format

Other pipelines:

Source code is available at: \ Questions and comments are welcome at os at jetbrains dot com

Pipeline paths configuration

In [1]:
# # Configuration of 10X Genomics files
# FRAGMENTS_FILE_10X = 'fragments.tsv.gz'
# CLUSTERS_FILE_10X = 'clusters.csv'
# TSNE_FILE_10X = 'tsne.csv'
# PEAKS_FILE = 'peaks.bed'

# # See
# # Set this value to None if blacklist regions bed file is not available
# BLACKLIST_FILE = 'blacklist.bed'

# # For mm10 and hg38
# # ! wget
# # ! wget
# # ! gunzip *.gtf.gz
# GTF_FILE = 'gencodegenes.gtf'

# # Dowload DNAse hypersensitivity sites from
# # For mm10
# # ! wget
# # ! gunzip *.gz
# # Set this to None if DNASe file is not available
# DNASE_FILE = 'dnase.bed'

# # Output configuration
# OUTPUT_DIR = 'pipeline'

# # Output configuration
# OUTPUT_DIR = 'pipeline'
# Configuration of 10X Genomics files
FRAGMENTS_FILE_10X = '/mnt/stripe/shpynov/2019_sc_atacseq_DT1755_3vs3_human/ALAW-XNN-AS011/outs/fragments.tsv.gz'
CLUSTERS_FILE_10X = '/mnt/stripe/shpynov/2019_sc_atacseq_DT1755_3vs3_human/ALAW-XNN-AS011/outs/analysis/clustering/graphclust/clusters.csv'
TSNE_FILE_10X = '/mnt/stripe/shpynov/2019_sc_atacseq_DT1755_3vs3_human/ALAW-XNN-AS011/outs/analysis/tsne/2_components/projection.csv'
PEAKS_FILE = '/mnt/stripe/shpynov/2019_sc_atacseq_DT1755_3vs3_human/ALAW-XNN-AS011/outs/peaks.bed'

# See
# Set this value to None if blacklist regions bed file is not available

# For mm10 and hg38
# ! wget
# ! wget
# ! gunzip *.gtf.gz
GTF_FILE = '/mnt/stripe/shpynov/2019_sc_atacseq_DT1755_3vs3_human/gencode.v32.annotation.gtf'

# Dowload DNAse hypersensitivity sites from
# For mm10
# ! wget
# ! gunzip *.gz
# Set this to None if DNASe file is not available

# Output configuration
OUTPUT_DIR = '/mnt/stripe/shpynov/2019_sc_atacseq_DT1755_3vs3_human/pipeline'

Pipeline parameters configuration

In [2]:
# # Factors configuration, number should be consistent with number of merged 
# FACTOR = 'factor'
# FACTORS_MAP = {1: 'f1', 2: 'f2'}

# # Aggregated barcodes always have suffix as a marker of original track
#     for k in [1, 2]:
#         if x.endswith(f'-{k}'):
#             return k

# # Cell calling filtration thresholds

# # Default by Cell Ranger ATAC

# # 20 clusters is default by Cell Ranger ATAC
# # Markers configuration

# # Export to Single Cell Explorer configuration
# SCE_TOKEN = '2020_scatacseq'
# SCE_NAME = 'Single cell ATAC-Seq'
# SCE_PUBLIC = False
# SCE_ORGANISM = 'mm' # mm or hg are supported

# Factors configuration, number should be consistent with number of merged 
FACTOR = 'age'
FACTORS_MAP = {1: 'young', 2: 'young', 3: 'young', 4: 'old', 5:'old', 6: 'old'}

# Aggregated barcodes always have suffix as a marker of original track
    for k in FACTORS_MAP.keys():
        if x.endswith(f'-{k}'):
            return k

# Cell calling filtration thresholds

# Default by Cell Ranger ATAC

# 20 clusters is default by Cell Ranger ATAC
# Markers configuration
MARKERS_GENES = ['Igkc', 'Jchain', 'Ifit3', 'Ifit1', 'Mki67', 'Cd4', 'Gzmb', 'Pld4', 'Ighe', 'Ighd', 'Ighm',
                 'Cd19', 'Cd79a', 'Cd8b', 'Il7r', 'Tcf7', 'Cd3e', 'Cd3d', 'Ccr7', 'Cd1c', 'Fcer1a', 'Cd34',
                 'Gata2', 'Pf4', 'Ppbp', 'Sox4', 'Eomes', 'Gzmk', 'Klrg1', 'Trav1-2', 'Ccl5', 'Sell',
                 'Ikzf2', 'Foxp3', 'Gzma', 'Ncam1', 'Prf1', 'Trdc', 'Nkg7', 'Ncr1', 'Batf3', 'Clec9a', 
                 'Lyz', 'Flt3', 'Fcrg3a', 'Cd14', 'Cd44', 'Seprina1', 'Trgv9', 'Trgv2']

# Export to Single Cell Explorer configuration
SCE_TOKEN = '2019_scatacseq_human_3vs3'
SCE_NAME = 'Single cell ATAC-Seq human 3vs3'
SCE_ORGANISM = 'hg' # mm or hg are supported

Pipeline utils

In [3]:
# Ensure all the libraries are installed
%matplotlib inline
%config InlineBackend.figure_format ='retina'

import gc
import glob
import hashlib
import math
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
# Workaround for the issue:
# pip install pandas==0.21
import pandas as pd
import os
import re
import sys
import seaborn as sns
import umap
import re
import tempfile
import glob
import pyBigWig
import json
import h5py
from scipy import io, sparse
from scipy.cluster import hierarchy

import as cm
from matplotlib.colors import LinearSegmentedColormap
from collections import Counter
from sklearn.cluster import AgglomerativeClustering
from sklearn.manifold import TSNE
from sklearn.preprocessing import Normalizer

from pybedtools import BedTool
from import tqdm
from scipy.stats import zscore
from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import PdfPages

# Import pipeline functions

# These functions are taken from the original Cell Ranger 10x ATAC pipeline
# See
from irlb import irlb
from diffexp import *

# Fix random seed
In [4]:
# Create pipeline output folders
figures_path = os.path.join(OUTPUT_DIR, 'figures')
! mkdir -p {figures_path}
! mkdir -p {OUTPUT_DIR}/cache
In [5]:
# Used memory analysis utility
def sizeof_fmt(num, suffix='B'):
    for unit in ['','Ki','Mi','Gi','Ti','Pi','Ei','Zi']:
        if abs(num) < 1024.0:
            return "%3.1f %s%s" % (num, unit, suffix)
        num /= 1024.0
    return "%.1f %s%s" % (num, 'Yi', suffix)

# Cleanup

# Print all allocated variables
def print_mem_usage():
    for name, size in sorted(((name, sys.getsizeof(value)) for name, value in globals().items()),
                             key= lambda x: x[1],
        print("Global {:>30}: {:>8}".format(name, sizeof_fmt(size)))    
    for name, size in sorted(((name, sys.getsizeof(value)) for name, value in locals().items()),
                             key= lambda x: x[1],
        print("Local {:>30}: {:>8}".format(name, sizeof_fmt(size)))

Visualize 10x Cell Ranger results

In [6]:
# clusters10xdf = pd.read_csv(CLUSTERS_FILE_10X, sep=',')
# clusters10xdf['Cluster'] = clusters10xdf['Cluster'].astype(int) - 1 # Clusters start with 1 in 10x
# clusters10xdf[FACTOR] = [FACTOR_FUNCTION(bc) for bc in clusters10xdf['Barcode']]
# # display(clusters10xdf.head())
# print('Total clusters', len(set(clusters10xdf['Cluster'])))
In [7]:
def clusters_sizes(df, value):
    df_sum = df[['cluster', value]].groupby(['cluster']).sum().reset_index()
    plt.figure(figsize=(10, 4))'jet', len(df_sum))
    sns.barplot(x=df_sum.index, y=df_sum[value],
                palette=[cmap(i) for i in range(len(df_sum))])

def clusters_factors(df, value, FACTORS_MAP):
    df_sum = df[['cluster', value]].groupby(['cluster']).sum().reset_index()    
    df_sum_factor = df[['cluster', FACTOR, value]].groupby(['cluster', FACTOR]).sum().reset_index()
    plt.figure(figsize=(10, 4))'jet', len(FACTORS_MAP))
    bottom = np.zeros(len(df_sum))
    for i, (k, v) in enumerate(FACTORS_MAP.items()):            
            heights = np.array(df_sum_factor.loc[df_sum_factor[FACTOR] == k][value]) /\
                np.array(df_sum[value]) * 100.0
   = df_sum.index, height = heights, bottom=bottom, color = cmap(i), width=0.8)
            bottom += heights

    # Cosmetics
    legend_colors = [plt.Rectangle((0,0), 1, 1, fc=cmap(i), edgecolor = 'none') 
                         for i in range(len(FACTORS_MAP))]
    legend_names = [v for _,v in FACTORS_MAP.items()]
    l = plt.legend(legend_colors, legend_names, prop={'size': 10}, bbox_to_anchor=(1.01, 0.99))

    plt.ylabel('Cluster composition ' + FACTOR + ' %')
In [8]:
# print('Size of 10x clusters analysis')
# t = clusters10xdf.copy()
# t['counts'] = np.ones(len(t))
# t.rename(columns={'Cluster': 'cluster'}, inplace=True)
# t.index = t['Barcode']
# print('Summary by', FACTOR, FACTORS_MAP)
# display(t[[FACTOR, 'counts']].groupby([FACTOR]).sum())

# clusters_sizes(t[['cluster', 'counts', FACTOR]], 'counts')

# clusters_factors(t[['cluster', 'counts', FACTOR]], 'counts', FACTORS_MAP)

# # Cleanup memory
# del t
# gc.collect()
In [394]:
def plot_colored(xs, ys, c,
                 clusters=False, show_centers=False, 
                 size=10, alpha=0.5, no_ticks=True, fig_ax=None):
    """ Plot colored scatterplot """
    cmap ='jet', len(set(c))) if clusters else
    if fig_ax is not None:
        fig, ax = fig_ax
        fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, figsize=(10, 8))
    sc = ax.scatter(xs, ys, 
                    c=c, cmap=cmap,
    mesh = ax.get_children()[0]
    if no_ticks:
        plt.setp(ax, xticks=[], yticks=[])
    if clusters and show_centers:
        # For each cluster, we add a text with name
        for cluster in set(c):
            cluster_x = np.mean(xs.iloc[np.flatnonzero(c == cluster)])
            cluster_y = np.mean(ys.iloc[np.flatnonzero(c == cluster)])
            ax.text(cluster_x, cluster_y, str(cluster), 
                     horizontalalignment='center', size='large', color='black', weight='bold')            
    if clusters:
        cbar = plt.colorbar(mesh, ax=ax, boundaries=np.arange(len(set(c)) + 1) + min(c) - 0.5)
        cbar.set_ticks(np.arange(len(set(c))) + min(c))
        plt.colorbar(mesh, ax=ax)

def n_rows_columns(n, maxcols=5):
    ncols = max([r for r in range(1, min(maxcols, math.ceil(math.sqrt(n)) + 1)) if n % r == 0])
    nrows = int(n / ncols)
    return nrows, ncols

def plot_colored_split(xs, ys, c, size=10, alpha=0.5, contrast = 100):
    """ Plot colored scatterplot split by factors"""
    cmap ='jet', len(set(c)))
    nrows, ncols = n_rows_columns(len(set(c)))
    plt.subplots(nrows=nrows, ncols=ncols, figsize=(5 * ncols, 5 * nrows))
    xmin, xmax = np.min(xs), np.max(xs)
    xlim = (xmin - 0.1 * (xmax - xmin), xmax + 0.1 * (xmax - xmin)) # +10% margin
    ymin, ymax = np.min(ys), np.max(ys)
    ylim = (ymin - 0.1 * (ymax - ymin), ymax + 0.1 * (ymax - ymin)) # +10% margin
    for i, f in enumerate(tqdm(set(c))):
        ax = plt.subplot(nrows, ncols, i + 1)
        plt.setp(ax, xticks=[], yticks=[])
        # Plot slightly visible other as gray
        nfxs = xs.iloc[np.flatnonzero(np.logical_not(np.equal(c, f)))]
        nfys = ys.iloc[np.flatnonzero(np.logical_not(np.equal(c, f)))]
        plt.scatter(nfxs, nfys, 
            alpha=alpha / contrast,
        # And factor data
        fxs = xs.iloc[np.flatnonzero(np.equal(c, f))]
        fys = ys.iloc[np.flatnonzero(np.equal(c, f))]
        plt.scatter(fxs, fys, 
In [384]:
# print('10x Cell Ranger ATAC original T-SNE visualization')
# tsne10xpath = TSNE_FILE_10X
# tsne10xdf = pd.read_csv(tsne10xpath, sep=',')

# tsne_clusters_10xdf = pd.merge(left=tsne10xdf,right=clusters10xdf, left_on='Barcode', right_on='Barcode')

# plot_colored(tsne_clusters_10xdf['TSNE-1'], tsne_clusters_10xdf['TSNE-1'], tsne_clusters_10xdf['Cluster'], 
#              clusters=True,
#              show_centers=True,
#              size=20, alpha=0.5)
In [11]:
# print('10x tSNE on LSA normalized vs', FACTOR, FACTORS_MAP)
# plot_colored(tsne_clusters_10xdf['TSNE-1'], tsne_clusters_10xdf['TSNE-1'], clusters10xdf[FACTOR], 
#              clusters=True, size=20, alpha=0.1)
In [12]:
# Uncomment to plot split by factor
# with PdfPages(os.path.join(figures_path, '10x_tsne_clusters_split.pdf')) as pdf:
#     plot_colored_split(tsne_clusters_10xdf['TSNE-1'], tsne_clusters_10xdf['TSNE-2'], clusters10xdf[FACTOR], 
#                        size=5, alpha=0.1)
#     pdf.savefig()

Peaks file stats

In [13]:
with PdfPages(os.path.join(figures_path, 'peaks_length.pdf')) as pdf:
    peaks_df = pd.read_csv(PEAKS_FILE, sep='\t', header=None)
    print('Peaks', len(peaks_df))
    sns.distplot(np.log10(peaks_df[2] - peaks_df[1]))
    plt.title('Peak length distribution')
    plt.xlabel('Log10 Length')
Peaks 93236

Overlap of peaks with representative DNAse hypersensitive sites

In [14]:
if DNASE_FILE is not None:
    dnase = BedTool(DNASE_FILE)
    peaks_file = BedTool(PEAKS_FILE)
    peak_count = peaks_file.count()
    overlap = peaks_file.intersect(dnase, wa=True, u=True).count()
    peak_by_dnase = 0 if overlap == 0 else overlap * 100.0 / peak_count
    overlap = dnase.intersect(peaks_file, wa=True, u=True).count()
    dnase_by_peak = overlap * 100.0 / dnase.count()
    print('Fraction of peaks overlapping with representative DNAse', int(peak_by_dnase), '%')
    print('Fraction of representative DNAse overlapping with peaks', int(dnase_by_peak), '%')

Annotate peaks with closest genes

Pipeline Preprocess GENES to TSS and use bedtools closest -D b to report distance to TSS, upstream or downstream w.r.t. the gene strand.

Cell Ranger ATAC We use bedtools closest -D b to associate each peak with genes based on closest transcription start sites (packaged within the reference) such that the peak is within 1000 bases upstream or 100 bases downstream of the TSS.

In [15]:
def gtf_to_tss(gtf_file, transcripts_tss):
    print(f'GTF file {gtf_file} > {transcripts_tss}')
    GTF_TO_TSS_SH = """
# Compute transcript name field in GTF file
TNF=$(cat $1 | grep transcript_id | grep -v '#' | head -n 1 |\
    awk '{for (i=4; i<NF; i++) {if ($3=="transcript" && $i=="gene_name") print (i+1)}}')

# Process GTF file into transcripts
cat $1 |\
    awk -v TNF=$TNF -v OFS="\t" '{if ($3=="transcript") {print $1,$4-1,$5,$TNF,0,$7}}' |\
    tr -d '";' |\
    awk -v OFS="\t" '{if ($6=="+") {print $1,$2,$2+1,$4,0,"+"} else {print $1,$3-1,$3,$4,0,"-"}}' |\
    sort -k1,1 -k2,2n -k3,3n --unique > $2
    with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix='gtf_to_tss', suffix='.sh', delete=False) as f:
        ! bash {} {gtf_file} {transcripts_tss} 
In [16]:
transcripts_tss = os.path.join(OUTPUT_DIR, 'cache', os.path.basename(GTF_FILE) + '.tss')
if not os.path.exists(transcripts_tss):
    ! bash gtf2tss.ssh {GTF_FILE}, {transcripts_tss}
In [599]:
def locations_closest_genes(locations, transcripts_tss):
    print('Annotate list of locations in format "chr:start-end" with closest tss of genes')
    with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) as f:
        # Save index to restore original order after sorting
        for i, t in enumerate([re.split(':|-', p) for p in locations]):
            f.write('{}\t{}\t{}\t{}\n'.format(*t, i).encode('utf-8'))
        closest_file = + '.closest'
        sorted_file = + '.sorted'
        ! sort -k1,1 -k2,2n {} > {sorted_file}
        ! bedtools closest -a {sorted_file} -b {transcripts_tss} -D b > {closest_file}
        closest_df = pd.read_csv(
            closest_file, sep='\t', 
            names=['chr', 'start', 'end', 'index', 
                   'gene_chr', 'gene_start', 'gene_end', 'gene', 'gene_score', 'gene_strand', 'distance'])
        closest_df['gene_length'] = [len(g) for g in closest_df['gene']]
        # Sort_by_peaks and gene length in case of several existing genes 
        closest_df.sort_values(by=['index', 'gene_length'], inplace=True)
        # HACK: Pick only first closest gene with shortest name in case of several
        # Example: hg38 GZMK and AC034238.1 -> GZMK
        closest_df.drop_duplicates(['index'], inplace=True)
        return closest_df[['chr', 'start', 'end', 'gene', 'distance']]

Find peaks closest to markers

In [600]:
def find_peaks_for_markers(peaks_df, markers_genes):
    print('Building genes peaks, closest peaks is mapped to gene, second closest with suffix _1, etc')
    closest_genes = locations_closest_genes(
        peaks_df[0] + ':' + peaks_df[1].astype(str) + '-' + peaks_df[2].astype(str),
    # Restore 'peak' to be able to merge on it
    closest_genes['peak'] = closest_genes['chr'] +\
                            ':' + closest_genes['start'].astype(str) +\
                            '-' + closest_genes['end'].astype(str)
    t = closest_genes[['gene', 'peak']].copy()
    t['distance'] = np.abs(closest_genes['distance'])

    # Filter peak close to gene tss of markers_genes
    marker_genes_lower = set([s.lower() for s in markers_genes])
    t = t.loc[np.logical_and(t['distance'] < 2000, [g.lower() in marker_genes_lower for g in t['gene']])]
    t.sort_values(by=['gene', 'distance'], inplace=True)

    marker_regions_peaks_map = {}
    prev_gene = None
    prev_count = 1
    seen_genes = set()
    for _, (gene, peak, distance) in t.iterrows():
        if prev_gene != gene:
            marker_regions_peaks_map[gene] = peak
            prev_gene = gene
            prev_count = 1
        elif prev_count < 3:  # Max regions per gene
            marker_regions_peaks_map[f'{gene}_{prev_count}'] = peak
            prev_count += 1

    print(f'Found {len(marker_regions_peaks_map)} marker peaks for {len(markers_genes)} peaks close to TSS')
    for g in markers_genes:
        if g.lower() not in seen_genes:
            print(f'Missing peak for {g}')
    for k, v in marker_regions_peaks_map.items():
        print(f'{k}: {v}')
    return marker_regions_peaks_map
In [601]:
# IMPORTANT: check peaks, important for potential clusters identification without bigwig visualization
marker_regions_peaks_map = find_peaks_for_markers(peaks_df, MARKERS_GENES)
Building genes peaks, closest peaks is mapped to gene, second closest with suffix _1, etc
Annotate list of locations in format "chr:start-end" with closest tss of genes
Found 69 marker peaks for 50 peaks close to TSS
Missing peak for Igkc
Missing peak for Jchain
Missing peak for Ighe
Missing peak for Ighd
Missing peak for Ighm
Missing peak for Fcer1a
Missing peak for Pf4
Missing peak for Ppbp
Missing peak for Trdc
Missing peak for Clec9a
Missing peak for Fcrg3a
Missing peak for Seprina1
BATF3: chr1:212698723-212703045
CCL5: chr17:35879692-35880845
CCL5_1: chr17:35878285-35878447
CCR7: chr17:40559971-40566397
CD14: chr5:140630684-140634020
CD14_1: chr5:140634855-140635445
CD19: chr16:28936042-28937103
CD19_1: chr16:28930671-28931126
CD1C: chr1:158290313-158291008
CD34: chr1:207890190-207890745
CD34_1: chr1:207910846-207911249
CD3D: chr11:118341714-118344926
CD3D_1: chr11:118338269-118340851
CD3E: chr11:118304170-118306326
CD3E_1: chr11:118311586-118311873
CD4: chr12:6786345-6787374
CD4_1: chr12:6788915-6789997
CD4_2: chr12:6812523-6813021
CD44: chr11:35137513-35148923
CD44_1: chr11:35214561-35215372
CD44_2: chr11:35176822-35178207
CD79A: chr19:41876828-41878415
CD79A_1: chr19:41875045-41876247
CD8B: chr2:86861618-86861998
EOMES: chr3:27719330-27724415
FLT3: chr13:28099927-28101128
FLT3_1: chr13:28101876-28102199
FOXP3: chrX:49268609-49270493
FOXP3_1: chrX:49257997-49258408
GATA2: chr3:128486587-128490741
GATA2_1: chr3:128491326-128493636
GATA2_2: chr3:128483048-128484300
GZMA: chr5:55101354-55103038
GZMA_1: chr5:55103938-55105442
GZMB: chr14:24631290-24634931
GZMK: chr5:55023932-55024403
IFIT1: chr10:89391803-89393430
IFIT3: chr10:89327448-89328601
IFIT3_1: chr10:89331992-89334548
IKZF2: chr2:213148644-213152799
IKZF2_1: chr2:213015737-213016210
IKZF2_2: chr2:213147508-213147954
IL7R: chr5:35852139-35860312
IL7R_1: chr5:35851098-35851220
KLRG1: chr12:8989337-8989976
KLRG1_1: chr12:8991755-8992722
KLRG1_2: chr12:8987048-8988241
LYZ: chr12:69348061-69349029
MKI67: chr10:128102851-128104120
MKI67_1: chr10:128125083-128127377
NCAM1: chr11:112960987-112963670
NCR1: chr19:54905524-54907338
NCR1_1: chr19:54903821-54904704
NKG7: chr19:51371846-51373956
PLD4: chr14:104924585-104925292
PLD4_1: chr14:104932864-104934354
PLD4_2: chr14:104926416-104927062
PRF1: chr10:70598809-70604586
SELL: chr1:169707874-169709099
SELL_1: chr1:169711115-169712476
SELL_2: chr1:169704633-169704651
SOX4: chr6:21593160-21597370
TCF7: chr5:134113227-134120351
TCF7_1: chr5:134121570-134126500
TCF7_2: chr5:134136866-134137895
TRAV1-2: chr14:21641156-21641451
TRGV2: chr7:38362340-38363879
TRGV9: chr7:38316583-38319257
TRGV9_1: chr7:38319804-38320340

The pipeline

Cell Calling

Pipeline uses noise_threshold and duplets_threshold.

Cell Ranger ATAC aggregation: when combining data from multiple GEM groups, the cellranger-atac aggr pipeline automatically equalizes the sensitivity of the groups before merging, which is the recommended approach in order to avoid the batch effect introduced by sequencing depth. Default method: Subsample fragments from higher-depth GEM wells until they all have an equal number of unique fragments per cell.

For each barcode:

  • we have the record of mapped high-quality fragments that passed all filters (the fragments.tsv file).
  • Having determined peaks prior to this, we use the number of fragments that overlap any peak regions.
  • Separate the signal from noise.

This works better in practice as compared to naively using the number of fragments per barcode. We first subtract a depth-dependent fixed count from all barcode counts to model whitelist contamination. This fixed count is the estimated number of fragments per barcode that originated from a different GEM, assuming a contamination rate of 0.02. Then we fit a mixture model of two negative binomial distributions to capture the signal and noise. Setting an odds ratio of 1000, we separate the barcodes that correspond to real cells from the non-cell barcodes.

Scasat If a cell has open peaks below a user defined threshold (default: 50 peaks) in the peak accessibility matrix we would remove that cell from subsequent analysis. Also peaks not observed across a user defined number of valid cells (default: 10 cells) are not considered for further downstream analysis.

SnapATAC alternative approach - 1kb, 5kb and 10kb resolution.

Existing computational methods rely on pre-defined regions of transposase accessibility identified from the aggregate signals. ...


  1. It requires sufficient number of single cell profiles to create robust aggregate signal for peak calling.
  2. The cell type identification is biased toward the most abundant cell types in the tissues.
  3. These techniques lack the ability to reveal regulatory elements in the rare cell populations which are underrepresented in the aggregate signal. This concern is critical, for example, in brain tissue, where key neuron types may represent less than 1% of all cells while still playing a critical role in the neural circuit.
In [20]:
# Intersect using bedtools rather than pybedtools, because they are too slow for files of this size!
def intersect_fragments_and_peaks(fragments_file_gz, peaks_file, blacklist_file):
    ! zcat {fragments_file_gz} | wc -l
    idf = None
    if blacklist_file is not None:
        ! wc -l {blacklist_file}
    ! wc -l {peaks_file}

    with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(prefix='pipeline', dir=OUTPUT_DIR) as td:
        print('Filtering out non-standard chromosomes')
        chr_filtered_file = os.path.join(td, 'chromosome_filtered.bed')
        ! zcat {fragments_file_gz} | grep -i -E 'chr[0-9mt]+[^_]' > {chr_filtered_file}
        ! wc -l {chr_filtered_file}

        if blacklist_file is not None:
            print('Blacklist regions filtration')
            blacklist_filtered_file = os.path.join(td, 'blacklist_filtered.bed')
            ! bedtools intersect -v -a {chr_filtered_file} -b {blacklist_file} > {blacklist_filtered_file}
            ! wc -l {blacklist_filtered_file}
            # Cleanup
            ! rm {chr_filtered_file}
            blacklist_filtered_file = chr_filtered_file

        print('Fragments and peaks intersection')
        intersection_file = os.path.join(td, 'intersection.bed')
        ! bedtools intersect -wa -wb -a {blacklist_filtered_file} -b {peaks_file} > {intersection_file}
        ! wc -l {intersection_file}
        # Cleanup
        ! rm {blacklist_filtered_file}

        idf = pd.read_csv(intersection_file, sep='\t', header=None)
        # Cleanup
        ! rm {intersection_file}        
        icolnames = ['chr', 'start', 'end', 'barcode', 'reads', 'peak_chr', 'peak_start', 'peak_end']
        assert len(idf.columns) >= len(icolnames)
        idf.rename(columns={o: n for (o, n) in zip(idf.columns[:len(icolnames)], icolnames)}, inplace=True)
        idf = idf[icolnames] # Reorder and drop others
        idf = idf.astype({'reads': 'int8'}) # Consume less memory
    print('Done intersecting of fragments and peaks')
    return idf
In [21]:
def load_or_compute_idf(fragments_file_gz, peaks_file, blacklist_file, cache=None):
    # Load or compute fragments and peaks intersection data frame
    if cache is None:
        cache = os.path.join(OUTPUT_DIR, 'cache')
    idfpath = os.path.join(cache, 'idf.csv.gz')
    if os.path.exists(idfpath):
        print(f'Loading IDF from {idfpath}')
        idf = pd.read_csv(idfpath, compression='gzip')
        print(f'No IDF file found {idfpath}')    
        idf = intersect_fragments_and_peaks(fragments_file_gz, peaks_file, blacklist_file)
        idf.to_csv(idfpath, index=False, compression='gzip')
        print(f'Saved IDF to {idfpath}')   
    return idf
In [169]:
def filter_cells(idf, noise_threshold=None, duplets_threshold=None):
    # 10x Genomics Cell Ranger ATAC-Seq marks duplicates
    # 'count' ignores multiple reads per barcode at same position
    pidf = pd.pivot_table(idf, values='reads', index=['barcode'], aggfunc='count')
    pidf.reset_index(level=0, inplace=True)
    print(f'Total barcodes intersecting peaks: {len(pidf)}')    
    plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=3, figsize=(20, 6))
    plt.subplot(1, 3, 1)
    plt.title('UMI summary coverage distribution')
    plt.xlabel('Log10 coverage')

    # n is for shoulder graph
    counts = sorted(pidf['reads'], reverse=True)
    df_counts = pd.DataFrame(data={'count': counts, 'n': range(1, len(counts) + 1)})
    cells_filter = [True] * len(df_counts)

    plt.subplot(1, 3, 2)    
    if noise_threshold is not None:
        noise_filter = df_counts['count'] <= noise_threshold
        cells_filter = np.logical_and(cells_filter, np.logical_not(noise_filter))
        df_noise = df_counts.loc[noise_filter]
        print(f'Noise <= {noise_threshold} reads per barcode: {len(df_noise)}')
                 label='Noise', linewidth=3, color='red')        

    if duplets_threshold is not None:
        duplets_filter = df_counts['count'] > duplets_threshold
        cells_filter = np.logical_and(cells_filter, np.logical_not(duplets_filter))
        df_duplets = df_counts.loc[duplets_filter]
        print(f'Duplets > {duplets_threshold} reads per barcode: {len(df_duplets)}')        
                 label='Duplets', linewidth=3, color='orange')        

    df_cells = df_counts.loc[cells_filter]

    cells_filter = [True] * len(pidf)
    if noise_threshold is not None:
        cells_filter = np.logical_and(cells_filter, pidf['reads'] > noise_threshold)
    if duplets_threshold is not None:
        cells_filter = np.logical_and(cells_filter, pidf['reads'] < duplets_threshold)
    cells = set(pidf.loc[cells_filter]['barcode'])
    idfcells = idf.loc[idf['barcode'].isin(cells)]
    print(f'Estimated number of cells: {len(cells)}')
    plt.title('Cells calling')
             label='Cell', linewidth=3, color='green')

    plt.xlabel('Log10 number of barcodes')
    plt.ylabel('Log10 fragments overlapping Peaks')
    plt.legend(loc='upper right')

    plt.subplot(1, 3, 3)
    plt.title('Cells UMI summary coverage distribution')
    plt.xlabel('Log10 coverage')
    return idfcells
In [235]:
def idfcells_from_idf(fragments_tsv_gz, peaks_file, blacklist_file, cache=None):    
    # Intersection of fragments with peaks dataframe
    idf = load_or_compute_idf(fragments_tsv_gz, peaks_file, blacklist_file, cache)
    with PdfPages(os.path.join(figures_path, 'cell_calling.pdf')) as pdf:
        idfcells = filter_cells(idf, noise_threshold=NOISE_THRESHOLD, duplets_threshold=DUPLETS_THRESHOLD)
    return idfcells

Peak-Barcode Matrix

Pipeline Compute number of different UMIs which intersect with peak. Multiple copies of UMI are ignored.

Cell Ranger ATAC-Seq We produce a count matrix consisting of the counts of fragment ends (or cut sites) within each peak region for each barcode. This is the raw peak-barcode matrix and it captures the enrichment of open chromatin per barcode. The matrix is then filtered to consist of only cell barcodes, which is then used in subsequent analysis such as dimensionality reduction, clustering and visualization.

A barcoded fragment may get sequenced multiple times due to PCR amplification. We mark duplicates in order to identify the original fragments that constitute the library and contribute to its complexity.

In [24]:
def compute_coverage(idfcells):
    print('Barcode vs summary fragments overlap with peaks')
    # 10x Genomics Cell Ranger ATAC-Seq marks duplicates
    # 'count' ignores multiple reads per barcode at same position
    cell_peak_cov_df = pd.pivot_table(idfcells, values='reads', 
                            index=['peak_chr', 'peak_start', 'peak_end', 'barcode'], 

    cell_peak_cov_df['peak'] = cell_peak_cov_df['peak_chr'] + ':' + \
        cell_peak_cov_df['peak_start'].astype(str) + '-' + cell_peak_cov_df['peak_end'].astype(str)
    cell_peak_cov_df.drop(columns=['peak_chr', 'peak_start', 'peak_end'], inplace=True)

    print('Transforming dataframe to peaks x barcode format')
    coveragedf = pd.pivot_table(cell_peak_cov_df, index='peak', columns='barcode', values='reads').fillna(0)
    # Remove extra labels from pivot_table columns
    coveragedf.columns = coveragedf.columns.values = None
    return coveragedf
In [172]:
def load_or_compute_coverage(idfcells_computable, cache=None):
    if cache is None:
        cache = os.path.join(OUTPUT_DIR, 'cache')
    cov_mtx_path = os.path.join(cache, 'coverage.npz')
    barcodes_path = os.path.join(cache, 'barcodes.txt')
    peaks_path = os.path.join(cache, 'peaks.txt')

    if os.path.exists(cov_mtx_path):
        print(f'Loading coverage matrix {cov_mtx_path}')
        csc = sparse.load_npz(cov_mtx_path)
        barcodes = [l.rstrip('\n') for l in open(barcodes_path)]
        peaks = [l.rstrip('\n') for l in open(peaks_path)]
        print(f'Loading into dataframe')
        coveragedf = pd.DataFrame(csc.toarray(), index=peaks, columns=barcodes)
        coveragedf.fillna(0, inplace=True)
        print(f'No coverage matrix found {cov_mtx_path}')
        idfcells = idfcells_computable()
        coveragedf = compute_coverage(idfcells)
        print(f'Saving coverage matrix')
        csc = sparse.csc_matrix(coveragedf.values, dtype=int)
        sparse.save_npz(cov_mtx_path, csc)
        print('Saving barcodes')
        with open(barcodes_path, 'w') as f:
        print('Saving peaks')
        with open(peaks_path, 'w') as f:
    print('DF', coveragedf.shape[0], 'peaks x', coveragedf.shape[1], 'cells')
    return coveragedf
In [236]:
# Computing main coverage dataframe (Peaks x Barcodes)
coveragedf = load_or_compute_coverage(
    lambda: idfcells_from_idf(FRAGMENTS_FILE_10X, PEAKS_FILE, BLACKLIST_FILE)
No coverage matrix found /mnt/stripe/shpynov/2019_sc_atacseq_DT1755_3vs3_human/pipeline/cache/coverage.npz
Loading IDF from /mnt/stripe/shpynov/2019_sc_atacseq_DT1755_3vs3_human/pipeline/cache/idf.csv.gz
Total barcodes intersecting peaks: 1538845
Noise <= 2000 reads per barcode: 1489881
Duplets > 20000 reads per barcode: 340
Estimated number of cells: 48624
Barcode vs summary fragments overlap with peaks
Transforming dataframe to peaks x barcode format
Saving coverage matrix
Saving barcodes
Saving peaks
DF 90746 peaks x 48624 cells

Coverage dataframe analysis

In [27]:
print('Summary coverage per UMI')
umi_coverage_log10 = np.log10(coveragedf.sum())
with PdfPages(os.path.join(figures_path, 'umi_coverage.pdf')) as pdf:
    plt.title('Coverage per UMI')
    plt.xlabel('Log10 barcodes')
Summary coverage per UMI
In [28]:
print('Peaks per cell with non-zero coverage filtration')
peaks_per_cell = np.count_nonzero(coveragedf, axis=0)
with PdfPages(os.path.join(figures_path, 'peaks_per_cell.pdf')) as pdf:
    plt.title('Peaks with coverage > 0 per cell')
    plt.xlabel('Log10 peaks')
Peaks per cell with non-zero coverage filtration
In [29]:
with PdfPages(os.path.join(figures_path, 'umis.pdf')) as pdf:
    print('Summary UMI distribution per factor')
    factors = [FACTOR_FUNCTION(bc) for bc in coveragedf.columns]
    for k, v in tqdm(FACTORS_MAP.items()):
        sns.kdeplot(np.log10(coveragedf[coveragedf.columns[np.flatnonzero(np.equal(factors, k))]].sum()), 
    plt.title('UMI summary coverage distribution')
    plt.xlabel('Log10 coverage')
Summary UMI distribution per factor

In [30]:
print('Cells per peak with non-zero coverage distribution')
cells_per_peak = np.count_nonzero(coveragedf, axis=1)
with PdfPages(os.path.join(figures_path, 'cells_per_peaks.pdf')) as pdf:
    plt.title('Cells with coverage > 0 per peak')
    plt.xlabel('Log10 cells')
Cells per peak with non-zero coverage distribution
In [31]:
# Plot peak coverage vs peak length
with PdfPages(os.path.join(figures_path, 'peaks_coverage_vs_length.pdf')) as pdf:
                  y=[int(re.split(':|-', p)[2]) - int(re.split(':|-', p)[1]) for p in coveragedf.index], 
    plt.xlabel('Log10 cells')
    plt.ylabel('Peaks length')
    plt.suptitle('Peak coverage vs peak length')

Feature selection (Identification of highly variable features)


  • mean >99% as alignment errors or housekeeping genes
  • std <1% as noise

Cell Ranger ATAC removed features selection with zero variance.

SnapATAC The vast majority of the items in the cell-by-bin count matrix is “0”, some items have abnormally high coverage (often > 200) perhaps due to alignment error. Bins of exceedingly high coverage which likely represent the genomic regions that are invariable between cells such as housekeeping gene promoters were removed. We noticed that filtering bins of extremely low coverage perhaps due to random noise can also improve the robustness of the downstream clustering analysis.

  • Calculated the coverage of each bin using the binary matrix and
  • Removed the top 0.1% items of the highest coverage
  • Normalized the coverage by log10(count + 1).
  • Log-scaled coverage obey approximately a gaussian distribution which is then converted into zscore.
  • Bins with zscore beyond ±2 were filtered before further analysis.

Signac The largely binary nature of scATAC-seq data makes it challenging to perform ‘variable’ feature selection, as we do for scRNA-seq. Instead, we can choose to use only the top n% of features (peaks) for dimensional reduction, or remove features present in less that n cells with the FindTopFeatures function. Here, we will all features, though we note that we see very similar results when using only a subset of features (try setting min.cutoff to ‘q75’ to use the top 25% all peaks), with faster runtimes. Features used for dimensional reduction are automatically set as VariableFeatures for the Seurat object by this function. See for explanation:

Seurat calculate a subset of features that exhibit high cell-to-cell variation in the dataset (i.e, they are highly expressed in some cells, and lowly expressed in others). We and others have found that focusing on these genes in downstream analysis helps to highlight biological signal in single-cell datasets.

In [32]:
print('Computing mean and std values for peaks...')
peaks_mean_std_df = pd.DataFrame(
    {'mean': np.mean(coveragedf.values, axis=1), 'std': np.std(coveragedf.values, axis=1)},
Computing mean and std values for peaks...
In [33]:
with PdfPages(os.path.join(figures_path, 'feature_selection_before.pdf')) as pdf:
    # df is (peaks x barcodes)
    sns.jointplot(x='mean', y='std', data=peaks_mean_std_df, alpha=0.05)
In [34]:
def feature_selection(peaks_mean_std_df, stdp=1, meanp=99):
    print('Total peaks', len(peaks_mean_std_df))
    print('Feature selection: filter out most highly covered peaks as alignment errors or housekeeping genes.')
    means_high = np.percentile(peaks_mean_std_df['mean'], meanp)
    mean_filter = peaks_mean_std_df['mean'] < means_high
    print('Feature selection: filter out non-variable peaks.')          
    stds_low = np.percentile(peaks_mean_std_df['std'], stdp)
    std_filter = peaks_mean_std_df['std'] > stds_low
    peaks_filter = np.logical_and(mean_filter, std_filter)
    print('Filtered peaks', sum(peaks_filter))
    return peaks_filter
In [35]:
peaks_filter = feature_selection(peaks_mean_std_df)
Total peaks 90746
Feature selection: filter out most highly covered peaks as alignment errors or housekeeping genes.
Feature selection: filter out non-variable peaks.
Filtered peaks 88916
In [36]:
with PdfPages(os.path.join(figures_path, 'feature_selection_after.pdf')) as pdf:
    sns.jointplot(x='mean', y='std', data=pd.DataFrame({'mean': peaks_mean_std_df.loc[peaks_filter]['mean'], 
                                                        'std': peaks_mean_std_df.loc[peaks_filter]['std']}),
In [37]:
# print('Check for markers')
# t = set(coveragedf.index[np.flatnonzero(peaks_filter)])
# for k,v in marker_regions_peaks_map.items():
#     if v not in t:
#         print(f'{k} {v} is missing in coveragedf')
In [38]:
# Feature selection is required only for LSA projection!
# # Filter out peaks
# coveragedf = coveragedf.loc[peaks_filter].copy()  # Copy is important here

Dimensionality Reduction, Clustering and visualization

Pipeline Use Cell Ranger ATAC approach and IRLB code for dimensionality reduction.


Cell Ranger uses normalization to median coverage depth in each UMI for PCA analysis,\ and doesn't do any normalization for LSA (default scheme) - we do the same here.

Seurat we employ a global-scaling normalization method “LogNormalize” that normalizes the feature expression measurements for each cell by the total expression, multiplies this by a scale factor (10,000 by default), and log-transforms the result.

SnapATAC does not require population-level peak annotation, and instead assembles chromatin landscapes by directly clustering cells based on the similarity of their genome-wide accessibility profile. Using a regression-based normalization procedure, SnapATAC adjusts for differing read depth between cells.

LSA (IDF + IRLBA + L2 normalization)

Cell Ranger ATAC default method is LSA.

  1. IDF scaling
  2. IRLBA SVD decomposition to dim 15
  3. L2 normalization in low dimension projection
  4. T-SNE visualization
  5. Clustering

IRLBA: The augmented implicitly restarted Lanczos bidiagonalization algorithm finds a few approximate largest singular values and corresponding singular vectors of a sparse or dense matrix using a method of Baglama and Reichel.

PCA if your features are least sensitive (informative) towards the mean of the distribution, then it makes sense to subtract the mean. If the features are most sensitive towards the high values, then subtracting the mean does not make sense.

SVD does not subtract the means but often as a first step projects the data on the mean of all data points. In this way the SVD first takes care of global structure - this is important for IDF transformation.

We found that the combination of these normalization techniques obviates the need to remove the first component. The number of dimensions is fixed to 15 as it was found to sufficiently separate clusters visually and in a biologically meaningful way when tested on peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs).

In [39]:
def lsa(coveragedf, dim):
    print('Normalizing by IDF')
    idf = np.log1p(coveragedf.shape[1]) - np.log1p(np.count_nonzero(coveragedf, axis=1))
    df_idf = coveragedf.multiply(idf, axis=0).T # Transpose to (barcodes x peaks) format
    print('Performing IRLBA without scaling or centering')
    # Number of dimensions recommended by Cell Ranger ATAC-Seq algorithm
    (_, _, v, _, _) = irlb(df_idf, dim)
    # project the matrix to complete the transform: X --> X*v = u*d
    df_idf_irlb = 
    assert df_idf_irlb.shape == (df_idf.shape[0], dim), 'check dimensions'

    # IMPORTANT! We found that the combination of these normalization techniques 
    # obviates the need to remove the first component.
    print('Normalization each barcode data point to unit L2-norm in the lower dimensional space')
    idf_irlb_l2 = Normalizer(norm='l2').fit_transform(df_idf_irlb) # (n_samples, n_features) 
    return pd.DataFrame(idf_irlb_l2, index=df_idf_irlb.index, columns=df_idf_irlb.columns)
In [40]:
# Perform LSA on variable peaks. Peaks_filter is used only for this purpose!
lsa_coords = lsa(coveragedf.loc[peaks_filter], LSA_COMPONENTS)
Normalizing by IDF
Performing IRLBA without scaling or centering
Normalization each barcode data point to unit L2-norm in the lower dimensional space

TSNE visualization

In [41]:
print('Processing t-SNE on L2-normalized data')
tsne_coords = pd.DataFrame(TSNE(n_components=2).fit_transform(lsa_coords.values),
                           columns=['tsne1', 'tsne2'])
Processing t-SNE on L2-normalized data
In [42]:
print('tSNE of log10 coverate')
plot_colored(tsne_coords['tsne1'], tsne_coords['tsne2'], umi_coverage_log10, size=20)
tSNE of log10 coverate

Batch dupletes filtration

In [43]:
coverage_filter = coveragedf.columns[np.flatnonzero(umi_coverage_log10 <= 4.2)]
print(f'Total cells {coveragedf.shape[1]}, filtered cells {len(coverage_filter)}')
             umi_coverage_log10.loc[coverage_filter], size=20)
Total cells 48624, filtered cells 47950
In [44]:
# Filter by proper indices
# coveragedf = coveragedf[coverage_filter].copy()
# Filter current values or reprocess from scratch
# lsa_coords = lsa_coords.loc[coverage_filter].copy()
# tsne_coords = tsne_coords.loc[coverage_filter].copy()
In [45]:
print('tSNE on LSA normalized vs', FACTOR, FACTORS_MAP)
factors = np.array([FACTOR_FUNCTION(bc) for bc in lsa_coords.loc[coverage_filter].index])
             factors, clusters=True, size=20, alpha=0.1)
tSNE on LSA normalized vs age {1: 'young', 2: 'young', 3: 'young', 4: 'old', 5: 'old', 6: 'old'}
In [46]:
# # Uncomment to plot split by factor
# print(FACTORS_MAP)
# with PdfPages(os.path.join(figures_path, f'tsne_{FACTOR}_split.pdf')) as pdf:
#     plot_colored_split(
#         tsne_coords['tsne1'].loc[coverage_filter], 
#         tsne_coords['tsne2'].loc[coverage_filter],
#         factors, alpha=0.1
#     )
#     pdf.savefig()

Ward clustering of LSA normalized data

Clustering should

  • produce clusters enough clusters 10-15 recommended by Cell Ranger
  • too small clusters are likely artifacts < 100 cells
  • centers of clusters should be inside the cluster, otherwise we should increase number of clusters OR increase lower dimension space size

Hierarchical clustering

  • Assumption: Ward's (Ward, 1963) and “complete” assume round equally-sized clusters like k-means
  • Used in pcaReduce (Žurauskienė and Yau, 2016), SINCERA (Guo et al., 2015), and CIDR (Lin et al., 2017)
  • Dominating Method: Ward's clustering


  • Does not assume clusters of a particular shape or size, often assume that all clusters are equally dense
  • Since density-based clustering requires a large number of samples to accurately estimate densities, it works well on droplet-based datasets
  • The dominant method is DBSCAN (Ester et al., 1996)
  • Used in Seurat (Macosko et al., 2015) combined with dimensionality reduction or a rare cell-type sensitive feature selection method in GiniClust (Jiang et al., 2016)

Graph clustering

  • Extension of density-based clustering specifically for data represented as a graph
  • Advantage: ability scale to millions of cells (Blondel et al., 2008, Danon et al., 2005, Rosvall and Bergstrom, 2008, Schaeffer, 2007.
  • Density in a graph can be measured as the number of edges connecting a set of cells and can be readily compared to a null hypothesis, e.g. a fully random graph or a degree-controlled random graph, using a metric called modularity.
  • Main method: Louvain algorithm (Blondel et al., 2008, Lancichinetti and Fortunato, 2009)
  • Used in PhenoGraph (Levine et al., 2015) and version 1.4 of Seurat.
  • The main drawback: scRNASeq data does not have an inherent graph structure


In [291]:
def reorder_clusters_by_size(clusters):
    clusters = np.array(clusters)
    cluster_counter = Counter()
    for c in clusters:
        cluster_counter[c] += 1
    clusters_reord = np.zeros(len(clusters), dtype=int)    
    for i, (c, n) in enumerate(cluster_counter.most_common()):
        clusters_reord[np.array(clusters) == c] = i
    return clusters_reord
In [216]:
def get_clusters(x, n_clusters):
    # Ward linkage method as default with euclidean distance
    print('Clustering', n_clusters)
    clusters = AgglomerativeClustering(n_clusters=n_clusters).fit_predict(x).astype(int)
    return reorder_clusters_by_size(clusters)
In [49]:
clusters = get_clusters(lsa_coords.loc[coverage_filter], N_CLUSTERS)
clusters_df = pd.DataFrame({'cluster': clusters}, index=coverage_filter)
Clustering 20
In [50]:
def clusters_summary(coveragedf, clusters):
    # Clusters summary by factors
    t = pd.DataFrame({FACTOR: [FACTOR_FUNCTION(bc) for bc in coveragedf.columns],
                     'cluster': clusters, 'counts': np.ones(len(coveragedf.columns))}, 
    clusters_sizes(t, 'counts')
    clusters_factors(t, 'counts', FACTORS_MAP)    

def clusters_hierarchy(X, clusters):
    # Hierarchical clustering of X - mean normalized LSA coordinates per cluster
    t = X.reset_index(drop=True).values
    clusters_means_X = pd.DataFrame({
        str(c): np.mean(t[np.flatnonzero(clusters == c), :], axis=0) for c in sorted(set(clusters))
    clusters_linkage = hierarchy.linkage(
        clusters_means_X[[str(i) for i in set(clusters)]].T.values, method='ward'
#     hierarchy.dendrogram(clusters_linkage, orientation='top')
#     hierarchy.set_link_color_palette(None)  # reset to default after use
    return clusters_linkage
In [51]:
clusters_summary(coveragedf[coverage_filter], clusters)
In [52]:
print('tSNE on LSA normalized vs graph clusters')
             clusters, clusters=True, show_centers=True, size=20, alpha=0.5)
tSNE on LSA normalized vs graph clusters
In [53]:
def show_umi_coverage_per_cell_in_clusters(coveragedf, clusters):
    ts = []
    plt.figure(figsize=(int(len(set(clusters)) * 0.75), 6))
    for c in tqdm(set(clusters)):
        t = pd.DataFrame({'umi': np.log10(coveragedf.T.iloc[np.flatnonzero(clusters == c)].sum(axis=1) + 1)})
        t['cluster'] = str(c)
    sns.violinplot(data=pd.concat(ts), x='cluster', y='umi', order=[str(c) for c in sorted(set(clusters))])
    plt.title('UMI summary coverage per cell')
    plt.ylabel('Summary log10 coverage')
In [54]:
show_umi_coverage_per_cell_in_clusters(coveragedf[coverage_filter], clusters)

No handles with labels found to put in legend.
In [55]:
def show_cells_per_peak_in_clusters(coveragedf, clusters):
    ts = []
    plt.figure(figsize=(int(len(set(clusters)) * 0.75), 6))    
    for c in tqdm(set(clusters)):
        t = pd.DataFrame({
            'nzpeaks': np.log10(np.count_nonzero(coveragedf.T.iloc[np.flatnonzero(clusters == c)], axis=1) + 1)
        t['cluster'] = str(c)
    sns.violinplot(data=pd.concat(ts), x='cluster', y='nzpeaks', order=[str(c) for c in sorted(set(clusters))])
    plt.title('Peaks with non-zero coverage distribution per cell')
In [56]:
show_cells_per_peak_in_clusters(coveragedf[coverage_filter], clusters)

No handles with labels found to put in legend.
In [123]:
def clusters_mean_coverage(coveragedf, clusters):
    print('Compute mean coverage per cluster')
    # Transpose to (barcodes x peaks) format
    t = coveragedf.T 
    # Per cluster mean values for peaks
    clusters_means = {str(c): t.loc[clusters == c].mean() for c in sorted(set(clusters))}
    return pd.DataFrame(clusters_means).reset_index()
def show_markers_mean_values(coveragedf, clusters, clusters_linkage, marker_regions_peaks_map):
    clusters_means_df = clusters_mean_coverage(coveragedf, clusters)
    print('Hierarchical clustering of coverage in markers')
    t = clusters_means_df[[str(c) for c in set(clusters)]].copy()
    t.index = clusters_means_df['index']
    mt = [(k, v) for k, v in marker_regions_peaks_map.items() if v in t.index]
    t = t.loc[[v for _, v in mt]]
    t.index = [k for k, _ in mt]
    # zscore per row
    # t = pd.DataFrame(zscore(t, axis=1), index=t.index, columns=t.columns)
    # 0-1 scale per row
    t = t.divide(t.max(axis=1), axis='rows')
    sns.clustermap(t, figsize=(1 + int(len(set(clusters)) / 3), 1 + int(len(mt) / 4)), cmap='bwr',
In [124]:
# Visualize markers mean values    
clusters_linkage = clusters_hierarchy(lsa_coords.loc[coverage_filter], clusters)
                         clusters, clusters_linkage, marker_regions_peaks_map)
Compute mean coverage per cluster
Hierarchical clustering of coverage in markers
In [59]:
# Group detected by global clustering
refined_group = (0, 6, 9, 3, 5, 7, 8, 13, 2, 17)
In [60]:
Global                     coveragedf: 32.9 GiB
Global                     lsa_coords: 10.3 MiB
Global              peaks_mean_std_df:  8.3 MiB
Global                   peaks_filter:  7.0 MiB
Global                       peaks_df:  6.9 MiB
Global             umi_coverage_log10:  5.1 MiB
Global                    tsne_coords:  5.1 MiB
Global                    clusters_df:  5.0 MiB
Global                coverage_filter:  4.7 MiB
Global                 cells_per_peak: 709.0 KiB
Local                           name:   63.0 B
Local                           size:   28.0 B

Iteractive clustering refinement

  • Pick clusters to refine
  • Create fragments.tsv.gz
  • Create reads in bed format for peak calling
  • Call peaks with MACS2 --keep-dup all --extsize 200 --shift 100 --nomodel
  • Clustering round 2 in 10, 20 clusters
  • For each granularity 20, 10
    1. Remove dupletes
    2. Fix meaningful clusters / groups of clusters
    3. Propagate back to bigger granularity
  • Propagate back to previous clustering round

BigWig RPM normalized profiles

Pipeline Split UMI reads by clusters and use RPKM normalization.

Seurat We created pseudo-bulk ATAC-seq profiles by pooling together cells with for each cell type. Each cell type showed enriched accessibility near canonical marker genes. Chromatin accessibility tracks are normalized to sequencing depth (RPKM normalization) in each pooled group.

In [61]:
def write_bigwig(df, bw_path, step):
    chr_lengths = df[['chr', 'end']].groupby('chr').max().reset_index()
    with, 'w') as bw:
        bw.addHeader(list(zip(chr_lengths['chr'], chr_lengths['end'])))
        for chromosome in tqdm(chr_lengths['chr']):
            df_chr = df.loc[df['chr'] == chromosome].sort_values(['start', 'end'])
            starts = list(df_chr['start'])
            ends = list(df_chr['end'])
            reads = list(df_chr['reads'])
            chr_length = int(chr_lengths.loc[chr_lengths['chr'] == chromosome]['end'])
            values = np.zeros(int(math.floor(chr_length / step)) + 1)

            for i in range(len(df_chr)):
                # Ignore PCR duplicates here!
                # v = reads[i] 
                v = 1.0
                si = int(math.floor(starts[i] / step)) 
                ei = int(math.floor(ends[i] / step)) 
                if ei == si:
                    values[si] += v
                    values[si] += v / 2 
                    values[ei] += v / 2

            non_zero = values > 0
            non_zero_inds = np.flatnonzero(non_zero)
            starts_np = non_zero_inds * step
            ends_np = (non_zero_inds + 1) * step
            values_np = values[non_zero]
            # RPM normalization
            values_np = values_np * (1_000_000.0 / sum(values_np))
            chroms_np = np.array([chromosome] * sum(non_zero))
            bw.addEntries(chroms_np, starts=starts_np, ends=ends_np, values=values_np)                     

def write_cluster_bigwigs(fragments_tsv_gz, barcodes, clusters, bigwigs_path, step):
    df_for_bigwigs = get_fragments_and_clusters(fragments_tsv_gz, barcodes, clusters)

    for cluster in sorted(set(clusters)):
        bw_path = os.path.join(bigwigs_path, f'cluster_{cluster}.bw')
        print('Processing', cluster, bw_path)
        df_for_bigwigs_cluster = df_for_bigwigs.loc[df_for_bigwigs['cluster'] == cluster]
        write_bigwig(df_for_bigwigs_cluster, bw_path, step)

In [62]:
def get_fragments_and_clusters(fragments_tsv_gz, barcodes, clusters):
    print('Loading full fragments dataframe')
    fdf = pd.read_csv(fragments_tsv_gz, sep='\t', 
                    names=['chr', 'start', 'end', 'barcode', 'reads'], compression='gzip')
    print('Aggregating fragments and clusters')
    t = pd.merge(left=fdf, 
                 right=pd.DataFrame({'barcode': barcodes, 'cluster': clusters}), 
                 left_on='barcode', right_on='barcode')
    return t
In [63]:
fragments_and_clusters = get_fragments_and_clusters(FRAGMENTS_FILE_10X, clusters_df.index, clusters)
Loading full fragments dataframe
Aggregating fragments and clusters
In [64]:
# Process cluster fragments.tsv.gz and clusters peaks, long operation!
def create_fragments_peaks_bws(fragments_and_clusters, refined_group):
    rgn = '_'.join(map(lambda c: str(c), refined_group))
    print(f'Processing {rgn}')
    rgn_dir = os.path.join(OUTPUT_DIR, 'cache', rgn)
    ! mkdir {rgn_dir}
    bed_path = os.path.join(rgn_dir, f'cluster_{rgn}.bed')
    fragments_path = os.path.join(rgn_dir, f'cluster_{rgn}.tsv.gz')
    bw_path = os.path.join(rgn_dir, f'cluster_{rgn}.bw')
    t = fragments_and_clusters.loc[fragments_and_clusters['cluster'].isin(refined_group)]
    print('Saving reads', bed_path)
    t[['chr', 'start', 'end']].to_csv(bed_path, sep='\t', header=False, index=False)
    print('Saving fragments', fragments_path)
    t[['chr', 'start', 'end', 'barcode', 'reads']].to_csv(fragments_path, sep='\t', 
                                                          header=False, index=False,
    print('Saving visualization', bw_path)
    write_bigwig(t, bw_path, step=200)
In [65]:
# Prepare input for processing
create_fragments_peaks_bws(fragments_and_clusters, refined_group)
Processing 0_6_9_3_5_7_8_13_2_17
Saving reads /mnt/stripe/shpynov/2019_sc_atacseq_DT1755_3vs3_human/pipeline/cache/0_6_9_3_5_7_8_13_2_17/cluster_0_6_9_3_5_7_8_13_2_17.bed
Saving fragments /mnt/stripe/shpynov/2019_sc_atacseq_DT1755_3vs3_human/pipeline/cache/0_6_9_3_5_7_8_13_2_17/cluster_0_6_9_3_5_7_8_13_2_17.tsv.gz
Saving visualization /mnt/stripe/shpynov/2019_sc_atacseq_DT1755_3vs3_human/pipeline/cache/0_6_9_3_5_7_8_13_2_17/

In [66]:
# Memory cleanup
del fragments_and_clusters
In [67]:
rgn = '_'.join(map(lambda c: str(c), refined_group))
rgn_dir = os.path.join(OUTPUT_DIR, 'cache', rgn)

# Call peaks with MACS2
print('Launch MACS2 with command line')
print(f'cd {rgn_dir}; macs2 callpeak --keep-dup all --extsize 200 --shift 100 --nomodel \
    -t cluster_{rgn}.bed -f BED -n cluster_{rgn}')
Launch MACS2 with command line
cd /mnt/stripe/shpynov/2019_sc_atacseq_DT1755_3vs3_human/pipeline/cache/0_6_9_3_5_7_8_13_2_17; macs2 callpeak --keep-dup all --extsize 200 --shift 100 --nomodel     -t cluster_0_6_9_3_5_7_8_13_2_17.bed -f BED -n cluster_0_6_9_3_5_7_8_13_2_17
In [586]:
# IMPORTANT: check peaks, important for potential clusters identification without bigwig visualization
rgn_peaks_df = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(rgn_dir, f'cluster_{rgn}_peaks.narrowPeak'), sep='\t', header=None)
rgn_marker_regions_peaks_map = find_peaks_for_markers(rgn_peaks_df, MARKERS_GENES)
Building genes peaks, closest peaks is mapped to gene, second closest with suffix _1, etc
Annotate list of locations in format "chr:start-end" with closest tss of genes
Found 70 marker peaks for 50 peaks close to TSS
Missing peak for Igkc
Missing peak for Ighe
Missing peak for Ighd
Missing peak for Ighm
Missing peak for Cd8b
Missing peak for Cd1c
Missing peak for Fcer1a
Missing peak for Pf4
Missing peak for Ppbp
Missing peak for Ncam1
Missing peak for Trdc
Missing peak for Clec9a
Missing peak for Lyz
Missing peak for Fcrg3a
Missing peak for Seprina1
BATF3: chr1:212699083-212701630
CCL5: chr17:35879997-35880841
CCR7: chr17:40565323-40565875
CCR7_1: chr17:40561025-40561383
CCR7_2: chr17:40560312-40560777
CD14: chr5:140632125-140633435
CD14_1: chr5:140635270-140635501
CD19: chr16:28936327-28937077
CD19_1: chr16:28930795-28931321
CD34: chr1:207910924-207911398
CD3D: chr11:118342731-118343038
CD3D_1: chr11:118339648-118339866
CD3D_2: chr11:118338594-118339381
CD3E: chr11:118304467-118305448
CD3E_1: chr11:118305870-118306275
CD4: chr12:6786617-6787290
CD4_1: chr12:6789340-6789838
CD4_2: chr12:6790844-6791286
CD44: chr11:35138779-35140030
CD44_1: chr11:35177145-35178007
CD44_2: chr11:35185936-35186136
CD79A: chr19:41875442-41876167
EOMES: chr3:27721169-27722711
FLT3: chr13:28100057-28101219
FOXP3: chrX:49257907-49258573
FOXP3_1: chrX:49257172-49257649
GATA2: chr3:128487561-128488207
GATA2_1: chr3:128490406-128490652
GATA2_2: chr3:128492381-128493318
GZMA: chr5:55101642-55102986
GZMA_1: chr5:55104075-55104521
GZMB: chr14:24634163-24634813
GZMB_1: chr14:24631983-24632333
GZMK: chr5:55024065-55024502
IFIT1: chr10:89392076-89392957
IFIT1_1: chr10:89393225-89393481
IFIT3: chr10:89327862-89328620
IFIT3_1: chr10:89332301-89332814
IFIT3_2: chr10:89333929-89334560
IKZF2: chr2:213151479-213152596
IKZF2_1: chr2:213015660-213016556
IL7R: chr5:35852566-35852894
IL7R_1: chr5:35856750-35857306
IL7R_2: chr5:35853704-35854877
JCHAIN: chr4:70668138-70668386
KLRG1: chr12:8949492-8950572
KLRG1_1: chr12:8970111-8970567
KLRG1_2: chr12:8989573-8990001
MKI67: chr10:128103034-128104219
MKI67_1: chr10:128126135-128127272
NCR1: chr19:54905777-54906476
NCR1_1: chr19:54906929-54907423
NCR1_2: chr19:54904494-54904781
NKG7: chr19:51372720-51373601
PLD4: chr14:104933172-104933888
PRF1: chr10:70602641-70604039
SELL: chr1:169708143-169709007
SELL_1: chr1:169711377-169712524
SELL_2: chr1:169701282-169701916
SOX4: chr6:21593537-21595726
TCF7: chr5:134114169-134115033
TCF7_1: chr5:134115348-134115885
TCF7_2: chr5:134140532-134141012
TRAV1-2: chr14:21642314-21642683
TRAV1-2_1: chr14:21643635-21643907
TRAV1-2_2: chr14:21641301-21641621
TRGV2: chr7:38362614-38363928
TRGV9: chr7:38318877-38319310
TRGV9_1: chr7:38317554-38318138
TRGV9_2: chr7:38316926-38317290
In [506]:
# Computing coverage dataframe (Peaks x Barcodes)
rgn_coveragedf = load_or_compute_coverage(
    lambda: idfcells_from_idf(
        os.path.join(rgn_dir, f'cluster_{rgn}.tsv.gz'), 
        os.path.join(rgn_dir, f'cluster_{rgn}_peaks.narrowPeak'), 
Loading coverage matrix /mnt/stripe/shpynov/2019_sc_atacseq_DT1755_3vs3_human/pipeline/cache/0_6_9_3_5_7_8_13_2_17/coverage.npz
Loading into dataframe
DF 90490 peaks x 31233 cells
In [183]:
def factors_summary(coveragedf):
    t = pd.DataFrame(
        {FACTOR: [FACTOR_FUNCTION(bc) for bc in coveragedf.columns],
         'counts': np.ones(len(coveragedf.columns))}, 
    display(t[[FACTOR, 'counts']].groupby([FACTOR]).sum())
In [184]:
1 5454.0
2 5033.0
3 5972.0
4 4925.0
5 5109.0
6 4740.0
In [224]:
# Feature selection
rgn_peaks_filter = feature_selection(pd.DataFrame(
    {'mean': np.mean(rgn_coveragedf.values, axis=1), 'std': np.std(rgn_coveragedf.values, axis=1)},
# Perform LSA on variable peaks. Peaks_filter is used only for this purpose!
rgn_lsa_coords = lsa(rgn_coveragedf.loc[rgn_peaks_filter], LSA_COMPONENTS)
Total peaks 90490
Feature selection: filter out most highly covered peaks as alignment errors or housekeeping genes.
Feature selection: filter out non-variable peaks.
Filtered peaks 88679
Normalizing by IDF
Performing IRLBA without scaling or centering
Normalization each barcode data point to unit L2-norm in the lower dimensional space
In [225]:
print('Processing t-SNE on L2-normalized data')
rgn_tsne_coords = pd.DataFrame(
    columns=['tsne1', 'tsne2']
Processing t-SNE on L2-normalized data
In [226]:
# Main difference is here, wether we remove non-various peaks before UMI selection or not!
rgn_umi_coverage_log10 = np.log10(rgn_coveragedf.loc[rgn_peaks_filter].sum())
In [227]:
plot_colored(rgn_tsne_coords['tsne1'], rgn_tsne_coords['tsne2'], rgn_umi_coverage_log10, size=20)
In [228]:
rgn_coverage_filter = rgn_coveragedf.columns[np.flatnonzero(rgn_umi_coverage_log10 <= 4.1)] 
print(f'Total cells {rgn_coveragedf.shape[1]}, filtered cells {len(rgn_coverage_filter)}')
             rgn_umi_coverage_log10.loc[rgn_coverage_filter], size=20)
Total cells 31233, filtered cells 31160
In [314]:
def get_clusters_with_summary(coveragedf, lsa_coords, tsne_coords, marker_regions_peaks_map, n_clusters):
    clusters = get_clusters(lsa_coords, n_clusters)
    # Summary
    clusters_summary(coveragedf, clusters)
    # Plot clusters on t-SNE
    plot_colored(tsne_coords['tsne1'], tsne_coords['tsne2'], 
                 clusters, clusters=True, show_centers=True, size=20, alpha=0.5)
    # Visualize coverage in clusters
    show_umi_coverage_per_cell_in_clusters(coveragedf, clusters)
    # Visualize markers mean values    
    clusters_linkage = clusters_hierarchy(lsa_coords, clusters)
    show_markers_mean_values(coveragedf, clusters, clusters_linkage, marker_regions_peaks_map)
    return clusters
In [315]:
rgn_clusters_map = {}
for n_clusters in [10, 20]:
    rgn_clusters_map[n_clusters] = get_clusters_with_summary(
Clustering 10

No handles with labels found to put in legend.
Compute mean coverage per cluster
Hierarchical clustering of coverage in markers
Clustering 20

No handles with labels found to put in legend.
Compute mean coverage per cluster
Hierarchical clustering of coverage in markers
In [316]:
Global                     coveragedf: 32.9 GiB
Global                 rgn_coveragedf: 21.1 GiB
Global             refined_coveragedf: 234.7 MiB
Global                   rgn_peaks_df: 24.3 MiB
Global              clusters_means_df: 20.7 MiB
Global                     lsa_coords: 10.3 MiB
Global              peaks_mean_std_df:  8.3 MiB
Global                 rgn_lsa_coords:  7.1 MiB
Global                   peaks_filter:  7.0 MiB
Global               rgn_peaks_filter:  7.0 MiB
Local                           name:   65.0 B
Local                           size:   28.0 B

Project clusters back

  1. Remove dupletes from the 20 clustering - see UMI coverage and markers coverage
  2. Fix some meaningful clusters based on markers on fine grained clusters
  3. Merge some clusters and project onsmaller number of clusters
  4. Switch to previous clustering
  5. Iterate while we don't fix all the clusters for all the cells
In [507]:
# Configure clustering actions: remove cluster number 19 as dupletes, project others back
clustering_actions = [
    (rgn_clusters_map[20], {'preserve': [7, 12, 14, 15, 16], 'remove': [19]}),
    (rgn_clusters_map[10], {'preserve': list(set(rgn_clusters_map[10])), 'remove': []})
In [508]:
def reorder_clusters_map_by_size(clusters_map):
    result_clusters_map = {}
    clusters_kvs = list(clusters_map.items())
    preserve_clusters = [c for (_, c) in clusters_kvs if c != -1]
    for bc, c in zip([bc for (bc, c) in clusters_kvs if c != -1], 
        result_clusters_map[bc] = c
    return result_clusters_map
In [509]:
refined_clusters_map = {}  # Here we'll collect clustering
refined_n_clusters = 0  # This will be used for reordering
rgn_cells = list(rgn_coveragedf[rgn_coverage_filter].columns)

for (clustering, actions) in clustering_actions:
    # Remove cells
    for bc in [rgn_cells[i] for i in np.flatnonzero(np.isin(clustering, actions['remove']))]:
        refined_clusters_map[bc] = -1  # Mark for removal
    # Preserve clustering
    for i, c in enumerate(actions['preserve']):
        for bc in [rgn_cells[i] for i in np.flatnonzero(clustering == c)]:
            if bc not in refined_clusters_map:
                refined_clusters_map[bc] = refined_n_clusters + i
        refined_n_clusters += 1

# Reorder clusters by sizes
refined_clusters_map = reorder_clusters_map_by_size(refined_clusters_map)
refined_n_clusters = len(set(filter(lambda c: c!=-1, refined_clusters_map.values())))
print(f'Result clusters', refined_n_clusters)
print('Result cells', len([c for c in refined_clusters_map.values() if c != -1]))
Result clusters 12
Result cells 30830

Subclustering final

In [540]:
refined_cells = [bc for bc in rgn_coveragedf.columns if 
                     bc in refined_clusters_map and refined_clusters_map[bc] != -1]
refined_coveragedf = rgn_coveragedf[refined_cells]
refined_lsa_coords = rgn_lsa_coords.loc[refined_cells]
refined_tsne_coords = rgn_tsne_coords.loc[refined_cells]
refined_clusters = [refined_clusters_map[bc] for bc in refined_cells]

# Plot clusters on t-SNE
plot_colored(refined_tsne_coords['tsne1'], refined_tsne_coords['tsne2'], refined_clusters, 
             clusters=True, show_centers=True, size=20, alpha=0.5)
# Visualize markers mean values 
refined_clusters_linkage = clusters_hierarchy(refined_lsa_coords, refined_clusters)
show_markers_mean_values(refined_coveragedf, refined_clusters, 
                         refined_clusters_linkage, rgn_marker_regions_peaks_map)
Compute mean coverage per cluster
Hierarchical clustering of coverage in markers
In [513]:
# print_mem_usage()

Project subclusters back to global clustering

In [514]:
# Dupletes to remove
final_clusters_to_remove = {12}
In [515]:
final_clusters_map = {}
n_clusters = len(set(clusters))
for bc, c in zip(coveragedf[coverage_filter].columns, clusters):
    if c in refined_group:
        if bc in refined_clusters_map:
            final_clusters_map[bc] = n_clusters + refined_clusters_map[bc]
        if c not in final_clusters_to_remove:
            final_clusters_map[bc] = c
# Reorder clusters by sizes
final_clusters_map = reorder_clusters_map_by_size(final_clusters_map)

print(f'Result clusters', len(set(final_clusters_map.values())))
print('Result cells', len([c for c in final_clusters_map.values() if c != -1]))
Result clusters 21
Result cells 45674
In [539]:
final_cells = [bc for bc in coveragedf.columns if 
                     bc in final_clusters_map and final_clusters_map[bc] != -1]
final_coveragedf = coveragedf[final_cells]
final_lsa_coords = lsa_coords.loc[final_cells]
final_tsne_coords = tsne_coords.loc[final_cells]
final_clusters = [final_clusters_map[bc] for bc in final_cells]

# Plot clusters on t-SNE
plot_colored(final_tsne_coords['tsne1'], final_tsne_coords['tsne2'], final_clusters, 
             clusters=True, show_centers=True, size=20, alpha=0.5)

# Visualize markers mean values 
final_clusters_linkage = clusters_hierarchy(final_lsa_coords, final_clusters)
show_markers_mean_values(final_coveragedf, final_clusters, 
                         final_clusters_linkage, marker_regions_peaks_map)
Compute mean coverage per cluster
Hierarchical clustering of coverage in markers
In [493]:
# print_mem_usage()

Clusters visualization vs 10x Cell Ranger ATAC

In [ ]:
# # print('These clusters into Cell Ranger ATAC coordinates') 
# mergeddf1 = pd.merge(pd.DataFrame({'Barcode': tsne_coords.index, 'Cluster': clusters}),
#                      right=tsne10xdf, 
#                      left_on='Barcode', right_on='Barcode')

# mergeddf2 = pd.merge(pd.DataFrame({'Barcode': tsne_coords.index,
#                                   'tsne1': tsne_coords['tsne1'],
#                                   'tsne2': tsne_coords['tsne2']}),
#                      right=clusters10xdf, 
#                      left_on='Barcode', right_on='Barcode')

# fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=2, figsize=(18, 7))

# ax1.title.set_text('Clusters in 10x tsne coordinates')
# plot_colored(mergeddf1[['TSNE-1', 'TSNE-2']].values, 
#              mergeddf1['Cluster'], 
#              clusters=True,
#              show_centers=True,
#              size=20, alpha=0.3, fig_ax=(fig, ax1))

# ax2.title.set_text('10x clusters in tsne coordinates')
# plot_colored(mergeddf2[['tsne1', 'tsne2']].values, 
#              mergeddf2['Cluster'], 
#              clusters=True,
#              show_centers=True,
#              size=20, alpha=0.3, fig_ax=(fig, ax2))

Differential peaks analysis (Markers)


Use Cell Ranger ATAC to get differential markers.

Cell Ranger ATAC For each peak we perform test cluster vs others, so that several clusters may yield significant results vs others, we take into account only the cluster with greatest mean value.\ Test is is perfromed using Cell Ranger default testing procedure based on Negative Binomial GLM.

In [626]:
# Launch 10x Genomics Cell Ranger DE
def run_10x_differential_expression(df, clusters, fdr=0.05):
    """ Compute differential expression for each cluster vs all other cells
        Args: df          - feature expression data (peak x barcode)
              clusters    - 0-based cluster labels
              fdr         - false discovery rate"""

    print("Computing params...")
    m = df.values
    sseq_params = compute_sseq_params(m)
    peaks = list(df.index)    

    cluster_markers = []
    for cluster in tqdm(sorted(set(clusters))):
        in_cluster = clusters == cluster
        group_a = np.flatnonzero(in_cluster)
        group_b = np.flatnonzero(np.logical_not(in_cluster))
        print(f'Computing DE for cluster {cluster}...')

        de_result = sseq_differential_expression(m, group_a, group_b, sseq_params)
        de_result['cluster'] = [cluster] * len(de_result)
        de_result['peak'] = peaks
        passed_fdr = de_result['adjusted_p_value'] < fdr
        passed_log2_fc = de_result['log2_fold_change'] > 0
        # Filter out different by statistical tests with log2 fold change > 0
        passed = np.logical_and(passed_fdr, passed_log2_fc)
        print('DE:', sum(passed), 'of', len(de_result), 
              'FDR:', sum(passed_fdr), 'log2fc>0:', sum(passed_log2_fc))

        passed_de = de_result.loc[passed]
        cluster_de_markers = passed_de[
            ['cluster', 'peak', 'norm_mean_a', 'norm_mean_b', 'log2_fold_change', 'p_value', 'adjusted_p_value']
        ].rename(columns={'norm_mean_a': 'norm_mean_cluster', 'norm_mean_b': 'norm_mean_others'}) 


    return pd.concat(cluster_markers)
In [627]:
def diff_markers_summary(diff_markers):
    print('Number of differential markers per cluster')
    t = diff_markers[['cluster']].copy()
    t['count'] = 1
    display(pd.pivot_table(t, values='count', index=['cluster'], aggfunc=np.sum))

Annotate markers with genes

In [628]:
def annotate_diff_markers(diff_markers, closest_genes):
    return pd.merge(
        left=diff_markers[['cluster', 'norm_mean_cluster', 'norm_mean_others', 
                           'log2_fold_change', 'p_value', 'adjusted_p_value', 'peak']],

def save_diff_markers(markers_with_genes, path):
    print('Saving all the markers', len(markers_with_genes), 'to markers.tsv')
    # rearrange columns, sort
    t = markers_with_genes[
        ['chr', 'start', 'end', 'peak',
         'cluster', 'norm_mean_cluster', 'norm_mean_others', 
         'log2_fold_change', 'p_value', 'adjusted_p_value', 
         'gene', 'distance']
    ].sort_values(by=['cluster', 'adjusted_p_value'])
    t.to_csv(path, sep='\t', index=None)

Analyzing top markers

In [629]:
def get_top_markers(df, unique_clusters, top=100):
    return pd.concat([
        df.loc[df['cluster'] == c].sort_values(by=['adjusted_p_value']).head(top) 
                    for c in unique_clusters])
In [630]:
def get_diff_markers_z(markers_with_genes, coveragedf, clusters):
    print('Computing Z scores for mean values in cluster for top markers')
    top_markers = get_top_markers(markers_with_genes, sorted(set(clusters)), top=100)
    t = coveragedf.T # Transpose to (barcodes x peaks) format
    t = t[list(top_markers['peak'])] # top markers only

    t = pd.concat([pd.DataFrame(t.loc[clusters == cluster].mean()).T for cluster in sorted(set(clusters))])
    t.index = sorted(set(clusters))

    # Transform to Z-score
    for c in t.columns:
        t[c] = zscore(t[c])
    return t.T

Top markers visualization on t-SNE

In [631]:
def show_top_markers_z(t, xs, ys, markers_with_genes, clusters, n_clusters, top=100):
    top_markers = get_top_markers(markers_with_genes, sorted(set(clusters)), top)
    nrows, ncols = n_rows_columns(n_clusters)
    plt.subplots(nrows=nrows, ncols=ncols, figsize=(5 * ncols, 4 * nrows))
    for i, cluster in enumerate(tqdm(set(clusters))):
        # Table (marker for cluster x cells)
        markers_df = t.loc[top_markers.loc[top_markers['cluster'] == cluster]['peak']].T.copy()

        # Z scale for each marker peak across all cells
        for c in markers_df.columns:
            markers_df[c] = zscore(markers_df[c])

        # Average Z score for each cell
        zs = markers_df.T.mean()
        ax = plt.subplot(nrows, ncols, i + 1)
        # Average is much more stable than coverage, we can use linear colormap here
        plt.setp(ax, xticks=[], yticks=[])    
        # Plot zscores scatter plot with 2 segments colormap blue-white-red
        cmap = LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list(name='zscore', 
            colors=[(0, 'darkblue'), ((0 - np.min(zs)) / (np.max(zs) - np.min(zs)), 'white'), (1, 'red')])        
        sc = ax.scatter(xs, ys, s=5, c=zs, cmap=cmap, edgecolor='none', alpha=1)
#         sc = ax.scatter(xs, ys, s=5, c=zs,, edgecolor='none', alpha=1)
        plt.title(f'Cluster {cluster}')
In [632]:
def regions_plot(regions, df, xs, ys, xlabel, ylabel, factors, clusters, binary):
    print(f'Coverage z-score, distribution and fraction on non-zero covered peaks w.r.t {FACTOR} and clusters')
    fregions = []
    for k, peak in regions.items():
        if peak in df.index:
            fregions.append((k, peak))
            print(f'{k} {peak} is missing')
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(4*4, 4*len(fregions)))
    grid = plt.GridSpec(nrows=len(fregions), ncols=8, wspace=0.5, hspace=0.5, figure=fig)
    for i, (k, peak) in enumerate(fregions):
        if peak not in df.index:
            print(f'{k} {peak} is missing')
        vals = df.loc[peak]
        print(k, peak, 'cov>0:', sum(vals > 0), 'of', len(vals), 'max cov:', max(vals))

        ax = plt.subplot(grid[i, 0:2])
        # Plot zscores scatter plot with 2 segments colormap blue-white-red
        zs = zscore(vals)
        cmap = LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list(name='zscore', 
            colors=[(0, 'darkblue'), ((0 - np.min(zs)) / (np.max(zs) - np.min(zs)), 'white'), (1, 'red')])
        plt.setp(ax, xticks=[], yticks=[])
        ax.scatter(xs, ys, marker='.', c=zs, cmap=cmap, s=2, alpha=0.2)
        t = pd.DataFrame({'cluster': clusters, 'factor': factors, 
                          'val': [min(v, 1) for v in vals] if binary else vals})
        ax = plt.subplot(grid[i, 2])
        # mean non-zero covered peaks by type
        tf = pd.pivot_table(t, values='val', index=['factor'], aggfunc='mean').reset_index()
        sns.barplot(x='factor', y='val', data=tf)
        ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelrotation=90)

        ax = plt.subplot(grid[i, 3:])
        # mean non-zero covered peaks by cluster and factor
        tc = t.groupby(['cluster', 'factor']).mean().reset_index()
        sns.barplot(x='cluster', y='val', data=tc, hue='factor')
In [633]:
# print('t-SNE based Z-SCORE visualizations for markers, mean z-score for 100 top markers')
# with PdfPages(os.path.join(figures_path, f'tsne_diff_markers_100.pdf')) as pdf:    
#     show_top_markers_z(coveragedf, tsne_coords['tsne1'], tsne_coords['tsne2'], 
#                        markers_with_genes, clusters, n_clusters, 100)
#     pdf.savefig()
In [634]:
# print('t-SNE based Z-SCORE visualizations for markers, z-score for 1 top marker')
# t = coveragedf
# top_markers_1 = get_top_markers(markers_with_genes, n_clusters, top=1)
# top_markers_map = {}
# for i, row in top_markers_1.iterrows():
#     top_markers_map[str(row['cluster'])] = row['peak']
# with PdfPages(os.path.join(figures_path, 'tsne_diff_markers_1.pdf')) as pdf:
#     regions_plot(top_markers_map, coveragedf, 
#                  tsne_coords['tsne1'], tsne_coords['tsne2'],
#                  'tsne1', 'tsne2',
#                  factors, clusters, True)
#     pdf.savefig()

Save differential markers to BED

In [635]:
def save_differential_markers(clusters, diff_markers, cluster_peaks_path):
    ! mkdir -p {cluster_peaks_path}
    print('Cleanup peaks_clusters', cluster_peaks_path)
    for f in glob.glob(f'{cluster_peaks_path}/markers_*.bed'):

    mlap_max = (-np.log10(diff_markers.loc[diff_markers['adjusted_p_value'] != 0]['adjusted_p_value'])).max()
    print('BED scoring as -log10 adjusted pval')
    print('Max of -log10 adjusted pval', mlap_max)

    for c in set(clusters):
        bed_file = os.path.join(cluster_peaks_path, f'markers_{c}.bed')
        markers_cluster = diff_markers.loc[diff_markers['cluster'] == c].sort_values(
            ['log2_fold_change'], ascending=False
        markers_cluster.index = range(len(markers_cluster))
        print('Saving cluster', c, 'marker peaks to', bed_file)
        with open(bed_file, 'w') as bed:
            for i in range(len(markers_cluster)):
                peak = markers_cluster['peak'][i]
                ap = markers_cluster['adjusted_p_value'][i]
                mlap = -np.log10(ap) if ap != 0.0 else mlap_max
                line = '{}\t{}\t{}\t.\n'.format(
                    re.sub(':|-', '\t', peak), 

Preparation data for single cell explorer

Preprocess data for single cell explorer

In [636]:
def export_to_cse(df, clusters, tsne_coords, umap_coords, markers,
                  sce_path, token, name, public, organism,
                  markers_x_column='gene', markers_gene_column='peak'):
    print('SCE path', sce_path)
    print('SCE token', token)
    print('SCE name', name)
    print('SCE public', public)
    print('SCE organism', organism)
    # Sanity check indexes
    cells = list(df.columns)
    assert np.array_equal(cells, list(tsne_coords.index))
    assert np.array_equal(cells, list(umap_coords.index))
    assert len(cells) == len(clusters)

    print('Processing', 'dataset.json')
    with open(os.path.join(sce_path, 'dataset.json'), 'w') as f:
            'token': token,
            'public': public,
            'name': name,
            'organism': organism,
            'cells': df.shape[1]

    print('Processing', 'plot_data.json')
    fields = {
      "tSNE_1": {
        "type": "numeric",
        "range": [
      "tSNE_2": {
        "type": "numeric",
        "range": [
      "UMAP_1": {
        "type": "numeric",
        "range": [
      "UMAP_2": {
        "type": "numeric",
        "range": [
      "Cluster": {
        "type": "factor",
        "levels": [str(c) for c in set(clusters)]
      "Age": {
        "type": "factor",
        "levels": list(FACTORS_MAP.values())
      "nUmi": {
        "type": "numeric",
        "range": [

    data = pd.DataFrame({      
        "tSNE_1": tsne_coords.loc[df.columns.values]['tsne1'].tolist(),
        "tSNE_2": tsne_coords.loc[df.columns.values]['tsne2'].tolist(),
        "UMAP_1": umap_coords.loc[df.columns.values]['umap1'].tolist(),
        "UMAP_2": umap_coords.loc[df.columns.values]['umap2'].tolist(),
        "Cluster": [str(c) for c in clusters_df.loc[df.columns.values]['cluster']],
        "Age": [FACTORS_MAP[FACTOR_FUNCTION(bc)] for bc in df.columns],
        "nUmi": df.sum().tolist(),
        "_row": list(df.columns)

    annotations = {
      "tsne_Cluster_centers": {
        "type": "text",
        "value": "Cluster",
        "coords": [
        "data": [
            "Cluster": str(c),
            "tSNE_1": float(np.mean(tsne_coords.loc[df.columns.values].values[
                np.flatnonzero(clusters_df.loc[df.columns.values]['cluster'] == c), 0])),
            "tSNE_2": float(np.mean(tsne_coords.loc[df.columns.values].values[
                np.flatnonzero(clusters_df.loc[df.columns.values]['cluster'] == c), 1])),
            "Text": str(c)
          } for c in set(clusters)

    with open(os.path.join(sce_path, 'plot_data.json'), 'w') as f:
            "fields": fields,
            "data": data,
            "annotations": annotations,

    # This file simply contains gene names, cell barcodes/names and total UMI per cell. 
    # This file must reflect row and column names of matrix data.h5 which contains expression data.    
    print('Processing', 'exp_data.json')
    with open(os.path.join(sce_path, 'exp_data.json'), 'w') as f:
          "genes": list(df.index.values),
          "barcodes": list(df.columns.values),
          "totalCounts": df.sum(axis=0).astype(int).tolist()

    print('Processing', 'markers.json')
    # Take into account only 100 top markers
    with open(os.path.join(sce_path, 'markers.json'), 'w') as f:
            "Cluster": [ 
                  'X': row[markers_x_column],
                  'p_val': row['p_value'],
                  'p_val_adj': row['adjusted_p_value'],
                  'avg_logFC': row['log2_fold_change'],
                  'pct.1': row['norm_mean_cluster'],
                  'pct.2': row['norm_mean_others'],
                  'cluster': str(row['cluster']),
                  'gene': row[markers_gene_column],
                  'distance': row['distance']
              } for index, row in markers.iterrows()

    print('Processing', 'data.h5')
    ! rm {sce_path}/data.h5
    # Fix missing locks
    os.environ['HDF5_USE_FILE_LOCKING'] = 'FALSE'
    # Don't use pandas to_hdf5 because of unused overhead.
    # IMPORTANT: transpose matrix because of different order!
    # Column-major order is used by Fortran, Matlab, R, and most underlying core linear algebra libraries (BLAS). 
    # Row-major ordering is sometimes called “C” style ordering and column-major ordering “Fortran” style. 
    # Python/NumPy refers to the orderings in array flags as C_CONTIGUOUS and F_CONTIGUOUS, respectively.
    expdf = df.astype(int).clip(upper=1) # Clip coverage to 0-1 for better visualization
    with h5py.File(os.path.join(sce_path, 'data.h5'), 'w') as hf:
                          data=expdf.T.values, # Column-major ordering!
                          compression="gzip", compression_opts=9, 
                          dtype='i4') # int4 is required here for SCE, see


Save single cell explorer data with respect to genes instead of peaks

In [637]:
def prepare_sce_for_genes(coveragedf, closest_genes, markers_with_genes):
    print(f'Associated genes {len(closest_genes)}')
    t = closest_genes[['gene', 'peak']].copy()
    t['distance'] = np.abs(closest_genes['distance'])
    t = t.loc[t['distance'] < SCE_PEAK_GENE_TSS_MAX_DISTANCE]
    print(f'Associated genes with distance to TSS < {SCE_PEAK_GENE_TSS_MAX_DISTANCE} {len(t)}')

    print('Building mapping peak -> gene, closest peaks is mapped to gene, second closest with suffix _1, etc')
    t.sort_values(by=['gene', 'distance'], inplace=True)
    associated_genes_map = {}
    prev_gene = None
    prev_count = 1
    for _, (gene, peak, distance) in t.iterrows():
        if prev_gene != gene:
            associated_genes_map[peak] = gene
            prev_count = 1
            prev_gene = gene
            associated_genes_map[peak] = f'{gene}_{prev_count}'
            prev_count += 1

    print('Preparing coverage dataframe per gene')
    genes_filtereddf = coveragedf.loc[coveragedf.index.isin(associated_genes_map)].copy()
    genes_filtereddf.index = [associated_genes_map[peak] for peak in genes_filtereddf.index]

    print('Preparing top markers by gene')
    associated_markers_with_genes = \
        markers_with_genes.loc[np.abs(markers_with_genes['distance']) < SCE_PEAK_GENE_TSS_MAX_DISTANCE].copy()

    print('Updating markers genes names by distance to gene with prefix')
    associated_markers_with_genes['gene'] = [
        associated_genes_map[f'{chr}:{start}-{end}'] for chr, start, end in 
    return genes_filtereddf, associated_markers_with_genes

Full analysis package includes:

  1. UMI coverage
  2. t-SNE projection
  3. Clustering
  4. UMAP projection
  5. Markers
  6. BigWigs
  7. SCE and SCE with genes
In [643]:
def prepare_full_package1(coveragedf, clusters, lsa_coords, tsne_coords, umap_coords,
    print('1. Saving tSNE coordinates')
    tsne_coords.to_csv(os.path.join(OUTPUT_DIR, f'{name}_tsne.tsv'), sep='\t')
    print('2. tSNE log10 coverate depth')
    with PdfPages(os.path.join(figures_path, f'{name}_tsne.pdf')) as pdf:
        plot_colored(tsne_coords['tsne1'], tsne_coords['tsne2'], np.log10(coveragedf.sum()), size=20)

    print('3. tSNE', FACTOR, FACTORS_MAP)
    factors = np.array([FACTOR_FUNCTION(bc) for bc in lsa_coords.index])
    with PdfPages(os.path.join(figures_path, f'{name}_tsne_{FACTOR}.pdf')) as pdf:
        plot_colored(tsne_coords['tsne1'], tsne_coords['tsne2'], 
                     factors, clusters=True, size=20, alpha=0.1)
    print(f'4. Saving clusters')
    n_clusters = len(set(clusters))
    clusters_df = pd.DataFrame({'cluster': clusters}, index=lsa_coords.index)
    clusters_df.to_csv(os.path.join(OUTPUT_DIR, f'{name}_clusters_{n_clusters}.tsv'))
    print('5. Computing summary for clusters by', FACTOR)
    t = pd.DataFrame({FACTOR: [FACTOR_FUNCTION(bc) for bc in coveragedf.columns],
                     'cluster': clusters, 'counts': np.ones(len(coveragedf.columns))}, 
    print('6. Saving clusters sizes')    
    with PdfPages(os.path.join(figures_path, f'{name}_clusters_sizes.pdf')) as pdf:
        clusters_sizes(t, 'counts')

    print('7. Saving clusters composition by', FACTOR)    
    with PdfPages(os.path.join(figures_path, f'{name}_clusters_{FACTOR}.pdf')) as pdf:
        clusters_factors(t, 'counts', FACTORS_MAP)

    print('8. Saving UMI per clusters')    
    with PdfPages(os.path.join(figures_path, f'{name}_clusters_umi.pdf')) as pdf:
        show_umi_coverage_per_cell_in_clusters(coveragedf, clusters)

    print('9. Saving cells per peak')            
    with PdfPages(os.path.join(figures_path, f'{name}_clusters_cell_peaks.pdf')) as pdf:
        show_cells_per_peak_in_clusters(coveragedf, clusters)
    print('10. tSNE clusters')
    with PdfPages(os.path.join(figures_path, f'{name}_tsne_clusters.pdf')) as pdf:
        plot_colored(tsne_coords['tsne1'], tsne_coords['tsne2'], 
                     clusters, clusters=True, show_centers=True, size=20, alpha=0.5)

    print('11. tSNE clusters split')        
    with PdfPages(os.path.join(figures_path, f'{name}_tsne_clusters_split.pdf')) as pdf:
        plot_colored_split(tsne_coords['tsne1'], tsne_coords['tsne2'], clusters, size=5)
    print('12. Visualize markers mean values')
    clusters_linkage = clusters_hierarchy(lsa_coords, clusters)
    with PdfPages(os.path.join(figures_path, f'{name}_makers_heatmap.pdf')) as pdf:
        show_markers_mean_values(coveragedf, clusters, clusters_linkage, marker_regions_peaks_map)

    print('13. Analysing REGIONS of interest TSNE')
    with PdfPages(os.path.join(figures_path, f'{name}_tsne_markers.pdf')) as pdf:
        regions_plot(marker_regions_peaks_map, coveragedf, 
                     tsne_coords['tsne1'], tsne_coords['tsne2'],
                     'tsne1', 'tsne2',
                    [FACTORS_MAP[f] for f in factors], clusters, True)

    print('14. Saving UMAP coordinates to umap.tsv')
    umap_coords.to_csv(os.path.join(OUTPUT_DIR, f'{name}_umap.tsv'), sep='\t')    
    print('15. UMAP log10 coverate depth')
    with PdfPages(os.path.join(figures_path, f'{name}_umap.pdf')) as pdf:
        plot_colored(umap_coords['umap1'], umap_coords['umap2'], np.log10(coveragedf.sum()), size=20)
    print('16. UMAP', FACTOR, FACTORS_MAP)
    with PdfPages(os.path.join(figures_path, f'{name}_umap_{FACTOR}.pdf')) as pdf:
        factors = [FACTOR_FUNCTION(bc) for bc in lsa_coords.index]
        plot_colored(umap_coords['umap1'], umap_coords['umap2'], factors, clusters=True, size=20, alpha=0.01)
    print('17. Plot UMAP split by factor')
    with PdfPages(os.path.join(figures_path, f'{name}_umap_{FACTOR}_spit.pdf')) as pdf:
        plot_colored_split(umap_coords['umap1'], umap_coords['umap2'], factors, size=5, alpha=0.1)
    print('18. UMAP clusters')
    with PdfPages(os.path.join(figures_path, f'{name}_umap_clusters.pdf')) as pdf:
        plot_colored(umap_coords['umap1'], umap_coords['umap2'], 
                     clusters, clusters=True, show_centers=True, size=20, alpha=0.3)
    print('19. UMAP clusters split')
    with PdfPages(os.path.join(figures_path, f'{name}_umap_clusters_split.pdf')) as pdf:
        plot_colored_split(umap_coords['umap1'], umap_coords['umap2'], clusters, size=5)
    print('20. Analysing REGIONS of interest UMAP')
    with PdfPages(os.path.join(figures_path, f'{name}_umap_markers.pdf')) as pdf:
        regions_plot(marker_regions_peaks_map, coveragedf, 
                     umap_coords['umap1'], umap_coords['umap2'],
                     'umap1', 'umap2',
                     [FACTORS_MAP[f] for f in factors], clusters, True)

    print('21. Save cluster mean values to table with closest genes information')
    clusters_means_df = clusters_mean_coverage(coveragedf, clusters)
    closest_genes = locations_closest_genes(list(coveragedf.index), transcripts_tss)
    # Restore 'peak' to be able to merge on it
    closest_genes['peak'] = closest_genes['chr'] +\
                            ':' + closest_genes['start'].astype(str) +\
                            '-' + closest_genes['end'].astype(str)
    clusters_means_genes_df = pd.concat([closest_genes.reset_index(), clusters_means_df], axis=1)\
    clusters_means_genes_df.to_csv(os.path.join(OUTPUT_DIR, f'{name}_clusters_peaks_values.tsv'), 
                                   sep='\t', index=False)
In [644]:
def prepare_full_package2(fragments_tsv_gz, coveragedf, clusters,
    print('1. Saving bigwigs')
    bigwigs_path = os.path.join(OUTPUT_DIR, f'{name}_bigwig')
    ! mkdir -p {bigwigs_path}
    write_cluster_bigwigs(fragments_tsv_gz, list(coveragedf.columns), clusters, bigwigs_path, step=200)
In [645]:
def prepare_full_package3(coveragedf, clusters, tsne_coords, umap_coords,
    print('1. Cell Ranger ATAC like differential analysis')
    # Each peak is tested independently, no normalization to peak length required.
    diff_markers = run_10x_differential_expression(coveragedf, clusters)
    print('Total diff markers', len(diff_markers))

    print('2. Saving differential markers')
    save_differential_markers(clusters, diff_markers, os.path.join(OUTPUT_DIR, f'{name}_markers'))    

    print('3. Saving differential markers with closest genes info')    
    closest_genes = locations_closest_genes(list(coveragedf.index), transcripts_tss)
    # Restore 'peak' to be able to merge on it
    closest_genes['peak'] = closest_genes['chr'] +\
                            ':' + closest_genes['start'].astype(str) +\
                            '-' + closest_genes['end'].astype(str)
    markers_with_genes = annotate_diff_markers(diff_markers, closest_genes)
    save_diff_markers(markers_with_genes, os.path.join(OUTPUT_DIR, f'{name}_markers.tsv'))

    print('4. Saving differential markers z scores')        
    diff_markers_z = get_diff_markers_z(markers_with_genes, coveragedf, clusters)
    with PdfPages(os.path.join(figures_path, f'{name}_markers_z.pdf')) as pdf:
        sns.clustermap(diff_markers_z, col_cluster=False, row_cluster=False, 
                       figsize=(10, 10),

    print('5. Saving SCE dataset')                
    sce_path = os.path.join(OUTPUT_DIR, f'{name}_sce')
    ! mkdir -p {sce_path}
    export_to_cse(coveragedf, clusters, tsne_coords, umap_coords, 
                  name=f'{SCE_NAME} {name}',
    print('6. Saving SCE genes dataset')                
    genes_sce_path = os.path.join(OUTPUT_DIR, f'{name}_sce_genes')
    ! mkdir -p {genes_sce_path}
    genes_filtereddf, associated_markers_with_genes =\
        prepare_sce_for_genes(coveragedf, closest_genes, markers_with_genes)
    export_to_cse(genes_filtereddf, clusters, tsne_coords, umap_coords, 
                  name=f'{SCE_NAME} {name} by genes',
                  markers_x_column='peak', markers_gene_column='gene')    

In [646]:
def prepare_full_package(fragments_tsv_gz, coveragedf, lsa_coords, clusters, marker_regions_peaks_map,
                         tsne_coords=None, umap_coords=None):
    if tsne_coords is None:
        print('Processing t-SNE')
        tsne_coords = pd.DataFrame(TSNE(n_components=2).fit_transform(lsa_coords.values),
                                   columns=['tsne1', 'tsne2'])

    if umap_coords is None:
        print('Processing UMAP')
        umap_coords = pd.DataFrame(umap.UMAP().fit_transform(lsa_coords.values)[:, :2], 
                                   columns=['umap1', 'umap2'])

    # Sanity check indexes
    cells = list(coveragedf.columns)
    assert np.array_equal(cells, list(tsne_coords.index))
    assert np.array_equal(cells, list(umap_coords.index))
    assert len(clusters) == len(cells)
    print('Processing part 1')
    prepare_full_package1(coveragedf, clusters, lsa_coords, tsne_coords, umap_coords,

    print('Processing part 2')
    prepare_full_package2(fragments_tsv_gz, coveragedf, clusters,

    print('Processing part 3')
    prepare_full_package3(coveragedf, clusters, tsne_coords, umap_coords,

Save full packages

In [ ]:
# Don't capture figures
%matplotlib agg

    os.path.join(rgn_dir, f'cluster_{rgn}.tsv.gz'), 
    refined_coveragedf, refined_lsa_coords, refined_clusters, 

# Plot inline figures
%matplotlib inline
In [ ]:
# Don't capture figures
%matplotlib agg

    final_coveragedf, final_lsa_coords, final_clusters, 

# Plot inline figures
%matplotlib inline