What we do..
We aim to discover novel fundamental biology in the areas of Immunometabolism, Cancer Immunology and Aging by using cross-disciplinary approaches to data generation and analysis together with in vitro and in vivo experimental biology.In our laboratory, classically trained immunologists and molecular biologists work hand-in-hand with computational biologists and computer scientists to leverage the power of high-throughput omics datasets.
Collectively, our approach can be characterized as Systems Immunology.
- Immunometabolism One major example of this approach is our dissection of the metabolic rewiring of M1- and M2-polarized macrophages (Jha et al, 2015) that highlighted metabolic breakpoints of TCA cycle and the redirection of the metabolic flux to itaconate in M1 macrophages, as well as glutamine and UDP-GlcNAc dependence of M2 polarized macrophages.
This systematic work led us to discovery of anti-inflammatory action of itaconate (Lampropoulou et al, 2016) where using mice lacking endogenous itaconate (Irg1-/-) we show that itaconate inhibits Sdh and inhibits production of pro-inflammatory cytokines Il1b, Il6 and Il12b.
In our most recent work we show that itaconate is also a natural electrophile (Bambouskova et al, 2018) and can trigger electrophilic stress response when produced in activating macrophages: we show that induces both Nrf2 and Atf3 driven responses. Importantly, this property of itaconate can be chemically enhanced by using certain itaconate derivatives to treat autoimmune diseases associated with Ikbz disfunction, such as psoriasis.
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Oct, 2018 Joint paper from Schreiber and Artyomov labs describing integration of single-cell RNA-seq and CYTOF data to dissect the efect of immune checkpoint therapy is published in Cell. Congratulations to co-leading authors Matt, Katya, Jeff and the whole team!
May, 2018 Systems Biology Workshop co-organized by our lab takes place in St.Petersburg, Russia! Thanks to Bioinformatics Institute and University ITMO for co-organizing!
April, 2018 Paper from our lab describing electrophilic properties of endogenous itaconate is published in Nature. Congratulations to lead author Monika and the whole team!
April, 2018 Systems Biology Workshop co-organized by our lab took place in Nice, France! Thanks to INSERM and Laurent Yvan-Charvet's team for co-organizing!
April, 2018 Maxim N. Artyomov was promoted to a Associate Professor with Tenure, effective July 1, 2018
February, 2018 Maxim N. Artyomov is awarded the Unanue Prize for Innovative Research in Immunology
January, 2018 Maxim N. Artyomov joins editorial board at Cancer Immunology Research
August, 2017 R01 grant from NIAID to study immunoregulatory properties of itaconate at Artyomov Lab commences
June, 2017 Ekaterina Esaulova and Konstantin Zaitsev defend their Masters of Science Thesis at ITMO University under supervision of Maxim N. Artyomov
May, 2017 Maxim N. Artyomov wins LEAP Inventor Challenge with the proposal to commercialize anti-inflammatory properties of itaconate and its derivatives
May, 2017 Systems biology workshop co-organized by our lab took place in St.Petersburgh, Russia
April, 2017 Systems Biology workshop co-organized by our lab took place in Sydney, Australia
December, 2016 Alexey Sergushichev defends his PhD at ITMO University under supervision of Maxim N. Artyomov