- 2018
Systems Biology Workshop 2018
Saint-Petersburg, Russia, May 13-18 2018 Fourth annual Systems Biology Workshop organized by Bioinformatics Institute, University ITMO and Artyomov Lab of Washington University in St.Louis will take place on May 13-18. This year, the lecturers will include world expert in proteomics - Marko Jovanovich from Columbia University (US) alongside with scientists/faculty from Washington University in St. Louis, Harvard University, and University of Liverpool(UK). Significant portion of the workshop will be devoted to discussion of single-cell RNA-sequencing and its application to understanding novel biology.
Workshop Format: A five-day workshop will take place at the picturesque hotel at the country-side near Saint Petersburg. Each day will consist of lectures and practical modules where students will be able to carry out simplified calculations and discuss biological implications of their results.
Registration, course program and further information can be found here. - 2018
Systems Biology Workshop France 2018
Nice, France, Apr 25-28, 2018 Systems Biology workshop, organized jointly by University of Nice, University ITMO and Artyomov Lab of Washington University in St.Louis will take place in Nice on Apr 25-28. Major focus will be on RNA-seq data interpretation, single-cell RNA-seq analysis and integrating metabolic and transcriptional data. - 2017
Systems Biology Workshop 2017
Saint-Petersburg, Russia, May 14-19, 2017 Fourth annual Systems Biology Workshop organized by Bioinformatics Institute, University ITMO and Washington University in St. Louis will take place on May 14-19. This year, distinguished geneticist Mark Daly from Broad Institute/MGH/Harvard will lecture alongside with scientists from Washington University in St. Louis and Harvard University.
Registration, course program and further information can be found here. - 2017
Systems Biology Workshop Australia 2017
Sydney, Australia, Apr 10-13, 2017 First Systems Biology Workshop in the southern hemisphere, co-organized by Garvan Institute, University ITMO and Artyomov Lab of Washington University in St.Louis, took place on Apr 10-13.
Each day will consist of lectures and practical modules where students will be able to carry out simplified calculations and discuss biological implications of their results. Registration, course program and further information can be found here. - 2016
Systems Biology Workshop 2016
Saint-Petersburg, Russia, May 16-21, 2016 For the third time Bioinformatics Institute, University ITMO and Washington University in St. Louis organize Systems Biology Workshop with lecturers from Washington University in St. Louis and Harvard University.
Workshop Format: A five-day workshop will take place at the country hotel near Saint Petersburg. Each day will consist of lectures and practical modules where students will be able to carry out simplified calculations and discuss biological implications of their results.
Registration, course program and further information can be found here. - 2015
Systems Biology Workshop 2015
Saint-Petersburg, Russia, May 21-24, 2015
In the joint effort between University ITMO and Bioinformatics Institute, both from St. Petersburg, Russia, we organized a second annual practical Systems Biology WorkShop in St. Petersburg in May of 2015.
Like the last year, this practical course in computational/systems biology is focused on the cross-over from bioinformatics to insights into the underlying biology and corresponding experimental design. We will consider major approaches to generation of systems level data, focusing on epigenetic profiling/ChipSeq, RNA-sequencing and gene expression analysis, exome sequencing and metabolic profiling. The workshop is structured such that the first part of the day is devoted to theoretical concepts and the second half of each day focuses on their practical applications.
Registration, course program and further information can be found here. - 2014
Systems Biology Workshop 2014
Saint-Petersburg, Russia, May 15-18, 2014
In the joint effort with Fedor Tsarev's Laboratory (University ITMO) and Bioinformatics Institute, both from St. Petersburg, Russia, we organize a practical Systems Biology WorkShop to be held in St. Petersburg in May of 2014.
This practical course in computational/systems biology is focused on the cross-over from bioinformatics to insights into the underlying biology and corresponding experimental design. We will consider major approaches to generation of systems level data, focusing on epigenetic profiling/ChipSeq, RNA-sequencing and gene expression analysis, exome sequencing and metabolic profiling. The workshop will be structured such that the first part of the day is devoted to theoretical concepts and the second half of each day focuses on their practical applications.
Registration, course program and further information can be found here.
Our group started and continues to co-organize series of international Systems Biology Workshops for Computational Scientist and Biologists – 3-5 day BootCamps on how bioinformatics and computational biology translate
into biology with special emphasis on Metabolism, RNA-seq, Chip-Seq and Medical Genetics.
In last five years, the workshop took place in St.Petersburgh(Russia), Sydney(Australia) and Nice(France).
This practical course in computational and systems biology is focused on the cross-over from bioinformatics to experimental biology, highlighting biology underlying systems level data and corresponding experimental designs for data acquisition and hypothesis testing. We consider approaches to generation of system level data ranging from gene expression, RNA-, ChiP-, and exome-sequencing up to high-throughput metabolomics and network-based data integration.